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Coordinates and Datums
US State Plane Coordinates
National Grid Coordinates
Batch Address Geocoding
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Section, Township, Range (PLSS)
Supported GPS
All Garmin
The latest
All handheld
GPS receivers
Garmin Edge
cycling computers
models; most
Garmin watches
dog trackers
and most
Lowrance HDS
B & G
Bryton Rider and Aero
cycling computers
And Dozens of Other Models
ExpertGPS Help File Index
.csv, import
.txt, export waypoints
.txt, import
about ExpertGPS command
activate ExpertGPS
active point
active point, go to (command)
active point, set
add coordinate format dialog
add GPS dialog
add scanned map command
add to favorites command
add USGS topo map command
add waypoint to route
add waypoint to route command
adding columns to list view
adding waypoints to a route
aerial photo map
aerial photo map, enable retrieval
aerial photo map, show (command)
arcview, export notes as points
arcview, export shapes
arcview, export tracks
arcview, export waypoints
area, calculating
area, create closed shape
arrange windows in a cascade
average waypoint
average waypoint command
averaging a group of waypoints
averaging a tracklog to create a waypoint
backtrack command
backtracking a track
BNG coordinate format
break shape command
break track command
breaking a route (scissors tool)
breaking a shape
breaking a shape (scissors tool)
breaking a track
breaking a track (scissors tool)
building a route by adding waypoints
calibrate scanned map command
calibrating a scanned map
calibration point
calibration point 1 tool
calibration point 2 tool
calibration point, calibrating a map
calibration point, calibration point 1 tool
calibration point, calibration point 2 tool
calibration point, go to calibration point 1
cascade command
center of a group of waypoints
change scale
change, see also edit
changing the coordinate format
changing the datum
changing the order of columns
clear selection
clear selection command
close command
close file command
closing a file
closing a route
closing a shape
closing a track
columns, change order
columns, rearrange
columns, show
columns, sort
combine gpx files
comma delimited text
comma-separated values
command, about ExpertGPS
command, add scanned map
command, add to favorites
command, add to map legend
command, add USGS topo map
command, add waypoint to route
command, average waypoint
command, backtrack
command, break
command, calibrate scanned map
command, cascade
command, clear selection
command, close
command, close file
command, convert route to shape
command, convert route to track
command, convert shape to route
command, convert shape to track
command, convert to note
command, convert to waypoint
command, convert track to route
command, convert track to shape
command, copy
command, cut
command, delete
command, delete points
command, detach photo from waypoint
command, edit
command, edit note
command, edit photo
command, edit route
command, edit shape
command, edit track
command, edit waypoint
command, enable Internet map retrieval
command, enter registration code
command, export
command, export DXF
command, export image
command, export map data
command, export notes
command, export profile image
command, export routes
command, export shapes
command, export trackpoints
command, export tracks
command, export waypoints
command, extract features from OpenStreetMap
command, file information
command, find address
command, get elevation
command, go to active point
command, go to favorite
command, go to map calibration point 1
command, go to map center
command, grid builder
command, hide
command, hide elevation profile
command, hide map display options window
command, hide map retrieval status window
command, import
command, import DXF
command, import file geodatabase
command, import gpx
command, import shapefile
command, import text
command, join
command, join routes
command, join shapes
command, join tracks
command, line of sight
command, line of sight
command, measure
command, new file
command, new route (by clicking on map)
command, new waypoint
command, open
command, open scanned map library
command, organize favorites
command, paste
command, photo options
command, place label here
command, preferences
command, print
command, print preview
command, print preview
command, print preview (elevation profile)
command, print preview (map)
command, print setup
command, project waypoint
command, purchase ExpertGPS
command, receive from GPS
command, redo
command, refresh map tiles
command, remove gaps
command, remove waypoint from route
command, reverse
command, save
command, save map calibration file
command, save world file
command, select all
command, select inverse
command, send map to gps
command, send to GPS
command, set active point
command, show aerial photo map
command, show all
command, show elevation profile
command, show map display options window
command, show map retrieval status window
command, show only selected
command, show scanned map
command, show street map
command, show topo map
command, show White Background
command, simplify
command, split
command, split route at waypoint
command, switch to another scanned map
command, undo
command, view camera location on map
command, view gallery
command, view in google earth
command, view in list
command, view in photo viewer
command, view on map
command, view online
command, view start of track
command, zoom in
connecting two routes
connecting two shapes
connecting two tracks
Convert menu
convert menu, export DXF
convert menu, import DXF
convert menu, import file geodatabase
convert note to waypoint command
convert photo to waypoint command
convert route to shape command
convert route to track command
convert shape to route command
convert shape to track command
convert to note
convert to route
convert to shape
convert to track
convert to waypoint
convert track to route command
convert track to shape command
convert waypoint to note command
converting routes to shapes
converting routes to tracks
converting shapes to routes command
converting shapes to tracks
converting tracks to routes command
converting tracks to shapes
converting waypoints to notes
coordinate formats
coordinate formats, decimal degrees
coordinate formats, deg min sec
coordinate formats, deg min.min
coordinate formats, UTM
copy command
create new waypoint at a fixed distance
create route by clicking on map
creating a closed route
creating a closed shape
creating a closed track
creating a waypoint by averaging a group of waypoints
creating a waypoint by averaging a tracklog
csv, import
Ctrl key
cut command
datums, NAD27
datums, WGS84
decimal degrees coordinate format
deg min sec coordinate format
deg min.min coordinate format
delete command
delete points
delete points command
deleting notes
deleting routes
deleting shapes
deleting trackpoints
deleting tracks
deleting waypoints
dialog, add coordinate format
dialog, add GPS
dialog, edit coordinates
dialog, geotag photos
dialog, GPS settings
dialog, import text wizard
dialog, map display options
dialog, map folder
dialog, map name
dialog, map retrieval
dialog, my coordinate formats
dialog, my GPS receivers
dialog, photo not found
dialog, photo options
dialog, photo viewer
dialog, photo viewer options
dialog, preferences
dialog, print
dialog, print map
dialog, print setup
dialog, progress
dialog, received waypoint types
dialog, scanned map library
dialog, select scanned map
dialog, tracking
dialog, units of measure
digital map
disable Internet map retrieval command
distance along path
distance, calculating
distance, set starting point
download aerial photos
download topo maps
draw route
draw shape
draw track
DXF, export
DXF, import
DXF, import
edit command
edit coordinates dialog
edit menu
edit menu, copy
edit menu, cut
edit menu, delete
edit menu, edit
edit menu, edit note
edit menu, edit photo
edit menu, edit route
edit menu, edit shape
edit menu, edit track
edit menu, edit waypoint
edit menu, hide
edit menu, paste
edit menu, preferences
edit menu, redo
edit menu, select all
edit menu, select inverse
edit menu, show all
edit menu, show only selected
edit menu, undo
edit note command
edit photo command
edit route command
edit shape command
edit track command
edit waypoint command
elevation profile
elevation profile, export profile image
elevation profile, hide (command)
elevation profile, print preview (command)
elevation profile, show (command)
enable Internet map retrieval command
enter registration code command
erase shape
erase track
error messages, coordinates
error messages, export file
error messages, gps
error messages, gps transfer
error messages, import scanned map
error messages, map retrieval
error messages, save gpx file
esri, export notes as points
esri, export shapes
esri, export tracks
esri, export waypoints
ExpertGPS registration info
ExpertGPS version info
export command
export DXF command
export image command
export notes command
export profile image command
export routes command
export shapes command
export trackpoints command
export tracks command
export waypoints command
export, ESRI ArcView
export, Garmin MapSource
export, Google Earth
export, Microsoft Excel
export, NMEA log files
export, OpenOffice Calc
export, spreadsheet
extend route
extend shape
extend track
extract features from OpenStreetMap command
file format
file format, csv
file format, dbf
file format, gdb
file format, gpx
file format, kml
file format, loc
file format, mps
file format, nmea
file format, shp
file format, shx
file format, txt
file format, xls
file information command
file menu
file menu, close
file menu, export
file menu, export map data
file menu, export notes
file menu, export routes
file menu, export shapes
file menu, export trackpoints
file menu, export tracks
file menu, export waypoints
file menu, file information
file menu, import
file menu, import gpx
file menu, import shapefile
file menu, import text
file menu, merge gpx
file menu, new
file menu, open
file menu, print
file menu, print preview
file menu, print preview
file menu, print preview (elevation profile)
file menu, print preview (map)
file menu, print setup
file menu, save
file, close command
file, information
file, open
file, save
filling a route
filling a shape
filling a track
find address command
garmin custom maps
Garmin MapSource
geo-referencing a scanned map
Geocache menu
geocache, view gallery
geocaching, combine gpx files
geocaching, find center
geocaching, increasing accuracy by averaging
geocaching, merge gpx files
geotag photos dialog
geotagging photos
get elevation command
getting started
go menu
go menu, add to favorites
go menu, find address
go menu, go to active point
go menu, go to map calibration point 1
go menu, go to map center
go menu, view in list
go menu, view on map
go to active point command
go to map calibration point 1 command
go to map center command
google earth
Google Earth
google earth, export map
google earth, export waypoints
GPS exchange file
gps exchange file, import (command)
gps exchange file, merge
GPS exchange format
gps menu
GPS menu, receive from GPS
GPS menu, send to GPS
GPS settings dialog
GPS, receive from (command)
GPS, send to
gpx 1.0, export map
gpx 1.0, export waypoints
gpx, file information
gpx, import (command)
gpx, merge
gpx, open
gpx, save
grid builder command
hand tool
help menu
help menu, about ExpertGPS
help menu, enter registration code
help menu, purchase ExpertGPS
hide command
hide elevation profile command
hide map display options window command
hide map retrieval status window command
image, export
import .csv file
import .txt file
import command
import DXF command
import DXF command
import gpx command
import shapefile command
import tab-delimited file
import text command
import text wizard dialog
import, ESRI ArcView
import, Garmin MapSource
import, Google Earth
import, Microsoft Excel
import, NMEA log files
import, OpenOffice Calc
import, spreadsheet
inserting waypoints into a route
Internet, enable map retrieval
Internet, map retrieval status window
inverse, select (command)
invert selection
join command
join routes
join routes command
join shapes
join shapes command
join tracks
join tracks command
keys, shortcut
keys, shortcut
kml, export map
kml, export waypoints
label, make larger
label, move location
label, place here
line of sight command
line of sight command
list columns
list menu
list, export
list, notes
list, photos
list, route waypoints
list, routes
list, shape points
list, shapes
list, trackpoints
list, tracks
list, waypoints
loc format
loc, open
locating the center of a group of waypoints
magnifying glass
map calibration file
map calibration file, save
map display options dialog
map display options window, hide (command)
map display options window, show (command)
map folder dialog
map legend
map library
map menu
map menu, add scanned map
map menu, add USGS topo map
map menu, calibrate scanned map
map menu, enable Internet map retrieval
map menu, export image
map menu, extract features from OpenStreetMap
map menu, hide map display options window
map menu, hide map retrieval status window
map menu, open scanned map library
map menu, refresh map tiles
map menu, save map calibration file
map menu, save world file
map menu, send map to gps
map menu, show map display options window
map menu, show map retrieval status window
map menu, switch to another scanned map
map menu, view start of track
map menu, zoom in
map name dialog
map retrieval status window
map retrieval status window, hide (command)
map retrieval status window, show (command)
map scale, zoom in
map scale, zoom tool
map server, add custom
map, add note
map, add waypoint
map, breaking a route (scissors tool)
map, breaking a shape (scissors tool)
map, breaking a track (scissors tool)
map, calibrating a scanned map
map, calibration point 1 tool
map, calibration point 2 tool
map, draw route
map, draw shape
map, draw track
map, enable retrieval
map, erase shape
map, erase track
map, export data
map, extend route
map, extend shape
map, extend track
map, go to active point (command)
map, go to map center (command)
map, make text larger
map, move
map, move selected tool
map, new note
map, new waypoint
map, note tool
map, print preview (command)
map, recenter map tool
map, recenter on calibration point 1
map, route tool
map, scanned map library
map, scissors tool
map, select items
map, view on (command)
map, view on (command)
map, working with
map, zoom tool
maptech, export notes as waypoints
maptech, export route
maptech, export tracks
maptech, export waypoints
track marker
marker, backtrack
marker, break at
marker, place label here
marker, set active point
marker, split at
marking known points on a scanned map
measure command
menu, Convert
menu, edit
menu, file
menu, Geocache
menu, go
menu, gps
menu, help
menu, list
menu, map
menu, Options
menu, photo
menu, tools
menu, Track
menu, waypoint
menu, window
merge gpx files
metes and bounds
metric system
MGRS coordinate format
Microsoft Excel
modify, see also edit
move map tool
move selected tool
mxf, export notes as waypoints
mxf, export waypoints
my coordinate formats dialog
my GPS receivers dialogs
NAD 27 datum
national geographic, export notes as waypoints
national geographic, export waypoints
nautical chart
new command
new route command (by clicking on map)
new waypoint
new waypoint command
note list
note list, export notes
note list, print preview
note tool
note, convert to waypoint
note, convert waypoint to note
note, copy
note, create
note, cut
note, delete
note, edit (command)
note, export
note, hide (command)
note, move label location
note, new
note, note tool
note, paste
note, set active point
note, show only selected (command)
note, view in google earth
note, view in list
note, view on map
note, view online
open command
open scanned map library command
Options menu
other programs
paste command
photo list
photo menu
photo menu, detach photo from waypoint
photo menu, photo options
photo menu, view camera location on map
photo menu, view in photo viewer
photo not found dialog
photo options command
photo options dialog
photo viewer dialog
photo viewer options dialog
photo, convert to waypoint
photo, detach from waypoint
photo, edit (command)
photo, geotagging
photo, photo options
photo, show only selected (command)
photo, view camera location on map
photo, view in google earth
photo, view in photo viewer
place label here
place label here command
point of beginning
point, export waypoints
point, import
point, see also calibration point
point, see also shape point
point, see also trackpoint
points on a scanned map
polygon, export shapes
polygon, export tracks
polygon, import
polyline, export shapes
polyline, export tracks
polyline, import
preferences command
preferences dialog
print command
print dialog
print map window
print preview command
print preview command
print preview command (elevation profile)
print preview command (map)
print setup command
print setup dialog
profile, print preview (command)
program options
progress dialog
project waypoint
project waypoint command
property lines
rearranging the order of columns
receive from GPS command
received waypoint types dialog
recenter map tool
redo command
reduce number of trackpoints
refresh map tiles command
register ExpertGPS
registration code, enter
registration code, purchase
registration info for ExpertGPS
remove gaps
remove gaps command
remove waypoint from route
remove waypoint from route command
removing columns from list view
removing line between two tracks
removing notes
removing routes
removing shapes
removing tracks
removing waypoints
returning to point of beginning
reverse command
reversing a route
reversing a shape
reversing a track
route list
route list, export routes
route list, print preview
route tool
route waypoint
route waypoint list
route waypoint list, print preview
route waypoint, add to route
route waypoint, copy
route waypoint, create new at a fixed distance
route waypoint, cut
route waypoint, draw on map
route waypoint, edit (command)
route waypoint, export
route waypoint, paste
route waypoint, project
route waypoint, remove from route
route waypoint, set active point
route waypoint, split route at waypoint
route waypoint, view in google earth
route waypoint, view in list
route waypoint, view on map
route waypoint, view online
route, add waypoint to route
route, area
route, break (scissors tool)
route, close
route, convert shape to route
route, convert to shape
route, convert to track
route, convert track to route
route, copy
route, create by clicking on map
route, cut
route, delete
route, delete waypoint from
route, distance
route, draw on map
route, edit (command)
route, export
route, extend
route, filled
route, hide (command)
route, join
route, measure distance along
route, move label location
route, paste
route, receive routes from GPS
route, remove waypoint from
route, reverse
route, send all to GPS
route, show only selected (command)
route, split at waypoint
route, view in google earth
route, view in list
route, view on map
route, view online
routes, working with
rxf, export route
satellite photo
save command
save map calibration file command
save world file command
scale, zoom in
scale, zoom tool
scanned map
scanned map library
scanned map library, add map
scanned map, add to library
scanned map, calibrate
scanned map, calibrating
scanned map, calibration point
scanned map, map calibration file
scanned map, open scanned map library
scanned map, save map calibration file
scanned map, save world file
scanned map, show (command)
scanned map, switch to another map (command)
scanned map, world file
scissors tool
secondary actions for map tools
select all command
select inverse command
select scanned map dialog
select tool
selecting items on the map
selection, clear
selection, delete
send map to gps command
send to GPS command
set active point
set active point command
shape list
shape list, export shapes
shape list, print preview
shape point
shape point list
shape point list, print preview
shape point, copy
shape point, cut
shape point, delete
shape point, export
shape point, paste
shape point, set active point
shape point, view in google earth
shape point, view in list
shape point, view on map
shape point, view online
shape tool
shape, area
shape, break (scissors tool)
shape, break at marker
shape, clear selection
shape, close
shape, convert route to shape
shape, convert to route
shape, convert to track
shape, convert track to shape
shape, copy /
shape, cut
shape, delete
shape, delete shape points
shape, distance
shape, draw curves
shape, draw on map
shape, draw straight lines
shape, edit (command)
shape, erase
shape, export
shape, extend
shape, filled
shape, hide (command)
shape, join
shape, measure distance along
shape, move label location
shape, paste
shape, remove gaps
shape, reverse
shape, selection
shape, show only selected (command)
shape, simplify
shape, split at marker
shape, view in google earth
shape, view in list
shape, view on map
shape, view online
shapefile, export notes as points
shapefile, export shapes
shapefile, export tracks
shapefile, export waypoints
shapefile, import
shortcut keys
shortcut keys
show aerial photo map command
show all command
show elevation profile command
show map display options window command
show map retrieval status window command
show only selected command
show scanned map command
show street map command
show topo map command
show White Background command
shp, export notes as points
shp, export shapes
shp, export tracks
shp, export waypoints
simplify command
solving for the center of a group of waypoints
sorting columns
split command
split route at waypoint
split route at waypoint command
square feet
street map
street map, show (command)
surveying, metes and bounds
surveying, property lines
surveying, return to point of beginning
switch to another scanned map command
tab-delimited text
tab-delimited text, export notes
tab-delimited text, export trackpoints
tab-delimited text, export waypoints
tab-delimited trackpoints
tab-delimited waypoints
terrain navigator, export notes as waypoints
terrain navigator, export tracks
terrain navigator, export waypoints
TerraServer aerial photo
Terraserver topo map
text, make larger
text, tab-delimited
tool, calibration point 1
tool, calibration point 2
tool, Ctrl key
tool, move map
tool, move selected
tool, note
tool, recenter map
tool, route
tool, scissors
tool, secondary action
tool, select
tool, shape
tool, track
tool, waypoint
tool, zoom
tools menu
topo map
topo map, enable retrieval
topo map, show (command)
topo!, export notes as waypoints
topo!, export waypoints
tpg, export notes as waypoints
tpg!, export waypoints
track list
track list, export tracks
track list, print preview
Track menu
track tool
track, area
track, average shape points
track, average trackpoints
track, backtrack
track, break (scissors tool)
track, break at marker
track, clear selection
track, close
track, convert route to track
track, convert shape to track
track, convert to route
track, convert to shape
track, copy
track, cut
track, delete
track, delete trackpoints
track, distance
track, draw curves
track, draw on map
track, draw straight lines
track, edit (command)
track, erase
track, export
track, extend
track, filled
track, hide (command)
track, join
track, measure distance along
track, move label location
track, paste
track, receive tracks from GPS
track, reduce number of trackpoints
track, remove gaps
track, reverse
track, selection
track, send all to GPS
track, show only selected (command)
track, simplify
track, split at marker
track, view in google earth
track, view in list
track, view on map
track, view online
tracking dialog
tracking, getting started
trackpoint list
trackpoint list, export trackpoints
trackpoint list, print preview
trackpoint, copy
trackpoint, cut
trackpoint, delete
trackpoint, export
trackpoint, paste
trackpoint, set active point
trackpoint, tab-delimited
trackpoint, view in google earth
trackpoint, view in list
trackpoint, view on map
trackpoint, view online
troubleshooting, GPS doesn't work with ExpertGPS?
troubleshooting, only one route gets sent to ExpertGPS?
troubleshooting, why don't my coordinates match?
txf, export tracks
txt, export notes
txt, export trackpoints
txt, export waypoints
txt, import
undo command
upside-down label
user map
USGS aerial photo
USGS topo map
USGS topo map library, add map
USGS topo map library, add map
USGS topo map, add to library
USGS topo map, add to library
UTM coordinate format
version info for ExpertGPS
view camera location on map command
view gallery command
view in google earth command
view in list command
view in photo viewer command
view menu, get elevation
view menu, grid builder
view menu, hide elevation profile
view menu, line of sight
view menu, line of sight
view menu, show aerial photo map
view menu, show elevation profile
view menu, show scanned map
view menu, show street map
view menu, show topo map
view menu, show White Background
view menu, view in google earth
view menu, view online
view on map command
view online command
view start of track command
waypoint list
waypoint list, export waypoints
waypoint list, print preview
waypoint menu
waypoint tool
waypoint, add to route
waypoint, average (command)
waypoint, convert note to waypoint
waypoint, convert photo to waypoint
waypoint, convert to note
waypoint, copy
waypoint, create by averaging
waypoint, create new at a fixed distance
waypoint, cut
waypoint, delete
waypoint, delete from route
waypoint, detach photo
waypoint, draw on map
waypoint, edit (command)
waypoint, export
waypoint, hide (command)
waypoint, move label location
waypoint, new (command)
waypoint, paste
waypoint, project
waypoint, receive waypoints from GPS
waypoint, remove from route
waypoint, send all to GPS
waypoint, set active point
waypoint, show only selected (command)
waypoint, split route at waypoint
waypoint, tab-delimited
waypoint, view in google earth
waypoint, view in list
waypoint, view on map
waypoint, view online
WGS84 datum
White Background Map
White Background, show (command)
window menu
window menu, cascade
window, arrange cascading
working with files
working with other programs
working with other programs, ESRI ArcView
working with other programs, Garmin MapSource
working with other programs, Google Earth
working with other programs, Microsoft Excel
working with other programs, NMEA Log Files
working with other programs, OpenOffice Calc
working with other programs, Spreadsheet
world file
world file, save
zoom in command
zoom tool
ExpertGPS works with hundreds of GPS receivers
, including all
Garmin Drive
, and
Magellan eXplorist
GPS receivers, and
Lowrance HDS
, and
GPS chartplotters and fishfinders.
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© 1998-2025
– 24 Kirkland Dr, Stow, MA –