Right-click on the selected items. On the popup menu, click Send Selected to GPS.
Send to GPS
Check the box next to each type of data to transfer from your GPS to ExpertGPS. Two numbers are listed in parenthesis. The first number
is the number of items in ExpertGPS. The second number is the maximum number of items your GPS can hold.
GPS Settings
Select the GPS receiver that is currently connected to your GPS. The connection settings for the selected GPS receiver are displayed below. If
the connection settings are not correct, close the Send to GPS dialog and open the My GPS Receivers dialog
to correct them.
After the GPS transfer is complete, your GPS sent to your GPS. You may need to switch to a different page on your GPS receiver's screen to
refresh its data display. Some GPS receivers only show the 10 waypoints nearest to your location by default. Consult your GPS manual for instructions
on showing all the GPS data on your GPS receiver's screen.
If an Error Occurs:
If an error message appears before the Progress dialog appears, read GPS Errors.
If an error message appears during the GPS transfer, read GPS Transfer Errors.
Turn the GPS off and back on again to reset the GPS interface before attempting any further GPS actions.