Map and Download GPS Waypoints for 2977 Churches in Nebraska

Click here to download GPS waypoints and POIs for all of the churches in Nebraska in GPX format.

Then, download ExpertGPS mapping software, which will allow you to print maps of any church in Nebraska, view churches on USGS topo maps and aerial photos, and send the churches as waypoints or POIs directly to your GPS receiver.

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New features were added to ExpertGPS on November 18, 2024
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

More Nebraska maps and GPS data layers are available here.

Below is a list of all 2977 churches in Nebraska, organized by town. Click any church to preview a map of the church. Then download all 2977 Nebraska churches and your free trial of ExpertGPS map software.

Jump directly to a town beginning with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y

Adams, NE Churches

Ainsworth, NE Churches

Albany, NE Churches

Albion, NE Churches

Alexis, NE Churches

Algernon, NE Churches

Alliance, NE Churches

Alma, NE Churches

Arago Election Precinct, NE Churches

Arago, NE Churches

Arapahoe, NE Churches

Arborville Election Precinct, NE Churches

Ash Grove, NE Churches

Ashby Election Precinct, NE Churches

Ashland, NE Churches

Atkinson, NE Churches

Auburn, NE Churches

Aurora, NE Churches

Baker Election Precinct, NE Churches

Barada, NE Churches

Barneston, NE Churches

Bassett Election Precinct, NE Churches

Bassett, NE Churches

Battle Creek, NE Churches

Bayard, NE Churches

Beatrice, NE Churches

Beaver City, NE Churches

Beaver Election Precinct, NE Churches

Bell Creek, NE Churches

Bellevue Election Precinct, NE Churches

Benkelman Number 1 Election Precinct, NE Churches

Benkelman Number 2 Election Precinct, NE Churches

Benkelman, NE Churches

Bennington, NE Churches

Benton Election Precinct, NE Churches

Benton, NE Churches

Berlin, NE Churches

Bethel Election Precinct, NE Churches

Bismark, NE Churches

Blackbird, NE Churches

Blaine Election Precinct, NE Churches

Blair, NE Churches

Blakely, NE Churches

Bloomfield, NE Churches

Blue Creek Election Precinct, NE Churches

Blue Hill, NE Churches

Blue Springs, NE Churches

Bluff, NE Churches

Bohemia, NE Churches

Bondville Election Precinct, NE Churches

Bowen Election Precinct, NE Churches

Bridgeport, NE Churches

Brinkerhoff Election Precinct, NE Churches

Broadwater Election Precinct, NE Churches

Broken Bow, NE Churches

Brownville, NE Churches

Bryant, NE Churches

Burrows, NE Churches

Burtons Bend, NE Churches

Burwell, NE Churches

Butler, NE Churches

Byron, NE Churches

Cambridge, NE Churches

Cameron, NE Churches

Catherton, NE Churches

Cedar, NE Churches

Center, NE Churches

Central City, NE Churches

Chadron, NE Churches

Chapman, NE Churches

Chappell, NE Churches

Chicago Election Precinct, NE Churches

Clarkson, NE Churches

Clarksville, NE Churches

Clay Center, NE Churches

Clear Creek, NE Churches

Cleveland, NE Churches

Cliff, NE Churches

Colfax Election Precinct, NE Churches

Columbia, NE Churches

Columbus, NE Churches

Concord, NE Churches

Cornell, NE Churches

Cosmo, NE Churches

Coyote, NE Churches

Cozad, NE Churches

Craig, NE Churches

Crawford, NE Churches

Creighton, NE Churches

Crete, NE Churches

Crofton, NE Churches

Crookston Election Precinct, NE Churches

Cuming, NE Churches

Curtis, NE Churches

Daily, NE Churches

Dakota City, NE Churches

Dakota Election Precinct, NE Churches

Dannebrog Election Precinct, NE Churches

Dannevirke Election Precinct, NE Churches

David City, NE Churches

Delaware, NE Churches

Denver, NE Churches

Deshler, NE Churches

Divide, NE Churches

Dolphin, NE Churches

Douglas Election Precinct, NE Churches

Douglas, NE Churches

East Bayard Election Precinct, NE Churches

East Winters Creek Election Precinct, NE Churches

Edgar, NE Churches

Eight Mile Grove, NE Churches

Election District 1, NE Churches

Election District 2, NE Churches

Election District 3, NE Churches

Election District 4, NE Churches

Election District 5, NE Churches

Election Precinct 01, NE Churches

Election Precinct 03, NE Churches

Election Precinct 04, NE Churches

Election Precinct 07, NE Churches

Election Precinct 09, NE Churches

Election Precinct 4, Steinauer, NE Churches

Election Precinct 7, NE Churches

Election Precinct G, NE Churches

Election Precinct N, NE Churches

Election Precinct O, NE Churches

Elgin, NE Churches

Elim, NE Churches

Elk Creek Election Precinct, NE Churches

Elk Creek, NE Churches

Elk, NE Churches

Elkhorn, NE Churches

Elmwood, NE Churches

Emerick Election Precinct, NE Churches

Enterprise, NE Churches

Ericson Election Precinct, NE Churches

Erina Election Precinct, NE Churches

Eureka, NE Churches

Fairbury, NE Churches

Fairdale, NE Churches

Fairfield, NE Churches

Fairview Election Precinct, NE Churches

Falls City, NE Churches

Fish Creek, NE Churches

Florence Election Precinct, NE Churches

Ford Election Precinct, NE Churches

Forest City Number 1 Election Precinct, NE Churches

Fort Calhoun, NE Churches

Frankfort, NE Churches

Franklin Election Precinct, NE Churches

Franklin, NE Churches

Fremont, NE Churches

Frenchtown, NE Churches

Friedensau, NE Churches

Friend, NE Churches

Fullerton, NE Churches

Gardner, NE Churches

Garfield Election Precinct, NE Churches

Garfield, NE Churches

Geneva, NE Churches

Genoa, NE Churches

Geranium, NE Churches

Gering Election Precinct, NE Churches

Gering, NE Churches

German Election Precinct, NE Churches

Germanville Election Precinct, NE Churches

Gibbon, NE Churches

Gibson, NE Churches

Gilead, NE Churches

Gilmore I Election Precinct, NE Churches

Gilmore II Election Precinct, NE Churches

Gordon, NE Churches

Gothenburg Election Precinct, NE Churches

Gothenburg, NE Churches

Gracy, NE Churches

Grafton, NE Churches

Grand Island, NE Churches

Grand Prairie, NE Churches

Grant Election Precinct, NE Churches

Grant, NE Churches

Green, NE Churches

Gretna, NE Churches

Grove Election Precinct, NE Churches

Hackberry, NE Churches

Hall Election Precinct, NE Churches

Hamilton, NE Churches

Hancock Election Precinct, NE Churches

Hanover, NE Churches

Harrison, NE Churches

Hartington, NE Churches

Harvard, NE Churches

Hastings, NE Churches

Hay Springs Election Precinct, NE Churches

Haymow Election Precinct, NE Churches

Hebron, NE Churches

Helena Election Precinct, NE Churches

Henderson, NE Churches

Hickman, NE Churches

Highland Election Precinct, NE Churches

Highland I Election Precinct, NE Churches

Highland, NE Churches

Holdrege, NE Churches

Hollinger Election Precinct, NE Churches

Hooper, NE Churches

Humboldt, NE Churches

Humphrey, NE Churches

Imperial East Election Precinct, NE Churches

Imperial West Election Precinct, NE Churches

Imperial, NE Churches

Indianola, NE Churches

Jefferson Election Precinct, NE Churches

Joliet, NE Churches

Kearney, NE Churches

Kimball Number 1 Election Precinct, NE Churches

Kimball Number 2 Election Precinct, NE Churches

Kimball, NE Churches

King Election Precinct, NE Churches

Kingsburg, NE Churches

Kiowa Election Precinct, NE Churches

Kirkwood, NE Churches

Knowles, NE Churches

La Vista Election Precinct, NE Churches

La Vista, NE Churches

Lafayette, NE Churches

Laird, NE Churches

Lake, NE Churches

Lancaster Election Precinct, NE Churches

Lancaster, NE Churches

LaPlatte I Election Precinct, NE Churches

LaPlatte II Election Precinct, NE Churches

Laurel, NE Churches

Lemley Election Precinct, NE Churches

Leslie, NE Churches

Lexington, NE Churches

Liberty, NE Churches

Lillian, NE Churches

Lincoln Election Precinct, NE Churches

Lincoln, NE Churches

Lodgepole Election Precinct, NE Churches

Logan Election Precinct, NE Churches

Logan, NE Churches

Lonergan Election Precinct, NE Churches

Long Pine, NE Churches

Long Springs Election Precinct, NE Churches

Lost Creek Election Precinct, NE Churches

Louisville Election Precinct, NE Churches

Louisville, NE Churches

Loup City, NE Churches

Loup Election Precinct, NE Churches

Loup Fork, NE Churches

Loup, NE Churches

Lowell, NE Churches

Lyons, NE Churches

Macon, NE Churches

Madison, NE Churches

Maple Creek, NE Churches

Maple Grove, NE Churches

Maple, NE Churches

Marietta, NE Churches

Marshall, NE Churches

McArdle Election Precinct, NE Churches

McCook, NE Churches

McWilliams, NE Churches

Mead, NE Churches

Middle Creek Election Precinct, NE Churches

Midland Election Precinct, NE Churches

Midland, NE Churches

Milford, NE Churches

Mill Election Precinct, NE Churches

Millard Election Precinct, NE Churches

Minatare, NE Churches

Minden, NE Churches

Mirage Election Precinct, NE Churches

Mirage, NE Churches

Mission Creek, NE Churches

Mitchell, NE Churches

Momence, NE Churches

Monroe, NE Churches

Monterey, NE Churches

Mullally, NE Churches

Myrtle, NE Churches

Nebraska City, NE Churches

Neligh, NE Churches

Nelson, NE Churches

Nemaha Election Precinct, NE Churches

Newman Grove, NE Churches

Newman, NE Churches

Nora, NE Churches

Norfolk Election Precinct, NE Churches

Norfolk, NE Churches

North Bend, NE Churches

North Branch, NE Churches

North Osceola Election Precinct, NE Churches

North Pine Election Precinct, NE Churches

North Platte Election Precinct, NE Churches

North Platte, NE Churches

North Rushville Election Precinct, NE Churches

O'Neill, NE Churches

Oakland, NE Churches

Odessa, NE Churches

Ogallala, NE Churches

Olive Branch, NE Churches

Omaha, NE Churches

Oneida, NE Churches

Ord, NE Churches

Osborn Election Precinct, NE Churches

Osceola, NE Churches

Osgood Election Precinct, NE Churches

Oshkosh Number 1 Election Precinct, NE Churches

Oshkosh, NE Churches

Osmond, NE Churches

Ough Election Precinct, NE Churches

Paddock, NE Churches

Panama, NE Churches

Papillion Election Precinct, NE Churches

Papillion Second II Election Precinct, NE Churches

Papillion, NE Churches

Pawnee City, NE Churches

Paxton Election Precinct, NE Churches

Pebble, NE Churches

Pershing, NE Churches

Peru Election Precinct, NE Churches

Peru, NE Churches

Pewaukee Election Precinct, NE Churches

Pierce, NE Churches

Plainview, NE Churches

Platte, NE Churches

Plattsmouth Election Precinct, NE Churches

Plattsmouth, NE Churches

Pleasant Valley, NE Churches

Plum Creek Election Precinct, NE Churches

Plum Creek, NE Churches

Pohocco, NE Churches

Ponca, NE Churches

Porter Election Precinct, NE Churches

Potter Election Precinct, NE Churches

Prairie Creek, NE Churches

Precinct Fifteen, NE Churches

Precinct Four, NE Churches

Quinnebaugh, NE Churches

Ralston, NE Churches

Randolph, NE Churches

Ravenna, NE Churches

Red Cloud, NE Churches

Richardson, NE Churches

Richland VIII Election Precinct, NE Churches

Richland, NE Churches

Ridgeley, NE Churches

Rock Creek, NE Churches

Rockford, NE Churches

Rushville, NE Churches

Saint Bernard, NE Churches

Saint Charles, NE Churches

Saint Edward, NE Churches

Saint Libory Election Precinct, NE Churches

Saint Paul, NE Churches

Saint Stephens, NE Churches

Salem, NE Churches

Sargent, NE Churches

Scandinavia, NE Churches

Schneider, NE Churches

Schoolcraft Election Precinct, NE Churches

Schuyler, NE Churches

Scott, NE Churches

Scottsbluff, NE Churches

Scribner, NE Churches

Seward, NE Churches

Shell Creek Election Precinct, NE Churches

Sheridan, NE Churches

Sherman, NE Churches

Sidney 4A Election Precinct, NE Churches

Sidney 4B Election Precinct, NE Churches

Sidney, NE Churches

Silver Creek, NE Churches

South Fork Election Precinct, NE Churches

South Fork, NE Churches

South Platte, NE Churches

South Rushville Election Precinct, NE Churches

South Russell, NE Churches

South Sheridan Election Precinct, NE Churches

South Sioux City, NE Churches

Speiser Election Precinct, NE Churches

Spring Branch Election Precinct, NE Churches

Spring Creek, NE Churches

Spring Ranch, NE Churches

Springfield, NE Churches

Stanton, NE Churches

Steel Creek, NE Churches

Sterling Election Precinct, NE Churches

Stevens Creek, NE Churches

Stewart, NE Churches

Stocking, NE Churches

Strahan, NE Churches

Stromsburg, NE Churches

Summit, NE Churches

Superior, NE Churches

Sutton, NE Churches

Swan Election Precinct, NE Churches

Syracuse, NE Churches

Tecumseh, NE Churches

Tekamah, NE Churches

Terrytown, NE Churches

Thayer Election Precinct, NE Churches

Thayer, NE Churches

Thomas Precinct, NE Churches

Thornburg Election Precinct, NE Churches

Thornton, NE Churches

Tilden, NE Churches

Timber Creek, NE Churches

Township 3, NE Churches

Township 4, NE Churches

Township 6, NE Churches

Township H, NE Churches

Township K, NE Churches

Township O, NE Churches

Tryon Election Precinct, NE Churches

Union Election Precinct, NE Churches

Union, NE Churches

Valentine, NE Churches

Valley, NE Churches

Village of Abie, NE Churches

Village of Adams, NE Churches

Village of Alexandria, NE Churches

Village of Allen, NE Churches

Village of Anoka, NE Churches

Village of Anselmo, NE Churches

Village of Ansley, NE Churches

Village of Arlington, NE Churches

Village of Arnold, NE Churches

Village of Arthur, NE Churches

Village of Ashton, NE Churches

Village of Atlanta, NE Churches

Village of Avoca, NE Churches

Village of Axtell, NE Churches

Village of Bancroft, NE Churches

Village of Barada, NE Churches

Village of Barneston, NE Churches

Village of Bartlett, NE Churches

Village of Bartley, NE Churches

Village of Beaver Crossing, NE Churches

Village of Bee, NE Churches

Village of Beemer, NE Churches

Village of Bellwood, NE Churches

Village of Bennet, NE Churches

Village of Bertrand, NE Churches

Village of Big Springs, NE Churches

Village of Bladen, NE Churches

Village of Bloomington, NE Churches

Village of Boys Town, NE Churches

Village of Bradshaw, NE Churches

Village of Brady, NE Churches

Village of Brainard, NE Churches

Village of Brewster, NE Churches

Village of Bristow, NE Churches

Village of Broadwater, NE Churches

Village of Brock, NE Churches

Village of Brownville, NE Churches

Village of Brule, NE Churches

Village of Bruning, NE Churches

Village of Brunswick, NE Churches

Village of Burchard, NE Churches

Village of Burr, NE Churches

Village of Burton, NE Churches

Village of Bushnell, NE Churches

Village of Butte, NE Churches

Village of Byron, NE Churches

Village of Cairo, NE Churches

Village of Callaway, NE Churches

Village of Campbell, NE Churches

Village of Carleton, NE Churches

Village of Carroll, NE Churches

Village of Cedar Bluffs, NE Churches

Village of Cedar Rapids, NE Churches

Village of Center, NE Churches

Village of Ceresco, NE Churches

Village of Chambers, NE Churches

Village of Chapman, NE Churches

Village of Chester, NE Churches

Village of Clarks, NE Churches

Village of Clatonia, NE Churches

Village of Clearwater, NE Churches

Village of Clinton, NE Churches

Village of Cody, NE Churches

Village of Coleridge, NE Churches

Village of Colon, NE Churches

Village of Comstock, NE Churches

Village of Concord, NE Churches

Village of Cook, NE Churches

Village of Cordova, NE Churches

Village of Cornlea, NE Churches

Village of Cortland, NE Churches

Village of Craig, NE Churches

Village of Creston, NE Churches

Village of Crookston, NE Churches

Village of Culbertson, NE Churches

Village of Dalton, NE Churches

Village of Dannebrog, NE Churches

Village of Davenport, NE Churches

Village of Davey, NE Churches

Village of Daykin, NE Churches

Village of De Witt, NE Churches

Village of Decatur, NE Churches

Village of Denton, NE Churches

Village of Diller, NE Churches

Village of Dix, NE Churches

Village of Dixon, NE Churches

Village of Dodge, NE Churches

Village of Doniphan, NE Churches

Village of Douglas, NE Churches

Village of Dunbar, NE Churches

Village of Duncan, NE Churches

Village of Dunning, NE Churches

Village of Dwight, NE Churches

Village of Eagle, NE Churches

Village of Eddyville, NE Churches

Village of Edison, NE Churches

Village of Elba, NE Churches

Village of Elm Creek, NE Churches

Village of Elmwood, NE Churches

Village of Elsie, NE Churches

Village of Elwood, NE Churches

Village of Emerson, NE Churches

Village of Endicott, NE Churches

Village of Ericson, NE Churches

Village of Eustis, NE Churches

Village of Ewing, NE Churches

Village of Exeter, NE Churches

Village of Fairmont, NE Churches

Village of Farnam, NE Churches

Village of Farwell, NE Churches

Village of Filley, NE Churches

Village of Firth, NE Churches

Village of Fordyce, NE Churches

Village of Foster, NE Churches

Village of Funk, NE Churches

Village of Gandy, NE Churches

Village of Giltner, NE Churches

Village of Glenvil, NE Churches

Village of Grafton, NE Churches

Village of Greeley Center, NE Churches

Village of Greenwood, NE Churches

Village of Gresham, NE Churches

Village of Gurley, NE Churches

Village of Hadar, NE Churches

Village of Haigler, NE Churches

Village of Hallam, NE Churches

Village of Halsey, NE Churches

Village of Hamlet, NE Churches

Village of Hampton, NE Churches

Village of Harbine, NE Churches

Village of Hardy, NE Churches

Village of Harrison, NE Churches

Village of Hay Springs, NE Churches

Village of Hayes Center, NE Churches

Village of Hazard, NE Churches

Village of Heartwell, NE Churches

Village of Hemingford, NE Churches

Village of Herman, NE Churches

Village of Hershey, NE Churches

Village of Hildreth, NE Churches

Village of Holbrook, NE Churches

Village of Holstein, NE Churches

Village of Homer, NE Churches

Village of Hordville, NE Churches

Village of Hoskins, NE Churches

Village of Howells, NE Churches

Village of Hubbard, NE Churches

Village of Huntley, NE Churches

Village of Hyannis, NE Churches

Village of Inman, NE Churches

Village of Ithaca, NE Churches

Village of Jackson, NE Churches

Village of Jansen, NE Churches

Village of Johnson, NE Churches

Village of Johnstown, NE Churches

Village of Julian, NE Churches

Village of Juniata, NE Churches

Village of Kenesaw, NE Churches

Village of Kennard, NE Churches

Village of Lawrence, NE Churches

Village of Leigh, NE Churches

Village of Leshara, NE Churches

Village of Lewellen, NE Churches

Village of Lindsay, NE Churches

Village of Litchfield, NE Churches

Village of Lodgepole, NE Churches

Village of Loomis, NE Churches

Village of Lyman, NE Churches

Village of Lynch, NE Churches

Village of Madrid, NE Churches

Village of Magnet, NE Churches

Village of Malcolm, NE Churches

Village of Malmo, NE Churches

Village of Manley, NE Churches

Village of Marquette, NE Churches

Village of Maskell, NE Churches

Village of Maxwell, NE Churches

Village of Maywood, NE Churches

Village of McCool Junction, NE Churches

Village of Mead, NE Churches

Village of Meadow Grove, NE Churches

Village of Merna, NE Churches

Village of Miller, NE Churches

Village of Milligan, NE Churches

Village of Monroe, NE Churches

Village of Morrill, NE Churches

Village of Morse Bluff, NE Churches

Village of Mullen, NE Churches

Village of Murdock, NE Churches

Village of Murray, NE Churches

Village of Naper, NE Churches

Village of Naponee, NE Churches

Village of Nehawka, NE Churches

Village of Nemaha, NE Churches

Village of Nenzel, NE Churches

Village of Newcastle, NE Churches

Village of Nickerson, NE Churches

Village of Niobrara, NE Churches

Village of Nora, NE Churches

Village of North Loup, NE Churches

Village of Oak, NE Churches

Village of Oakdale, NE Churches

Village of Oconto, NE Churches

Village of Octavia, NE Churches

Village of Odell, NE Churches

Village of Ohiowa, NE Churches

Village of Orchard, NE Churches

Village of Orleans, NE Churches

Village of Overton, NE Churches

Village of Oxford, NE Churches

Village of Palisade, NE Churches

Village of Palmer, NE Churches

Village of Palmyra, NE Churches

Village of Paxton, NE Churches

Village of Pender, NE Churches

Village of Petersburg, NE Churches

Village of Phillips, NE Churches

Village of Pilger, NE Churches

Village of Platte Center, NE Churches

Village of Pleasant Dale, NE Churches

Village of Pleasanton, NE Churches

Village of Plymouth, NE Churches

Village of Polk, NE Churches

Village of Potter, NE Churches

Village of Prague, NE Churches

Village of Primrose, NE Churches

Village of Ragan, NE Churches

Village of Raymond, NE Churches

Village of Republican City, NE Churches

Village of Rising City, NE Churches

Village of Riverton, NE Churches

Village of Rockville, NE Churches

Village of Rosalie, NE Churches

Village of Roseland, NE Churches

Village of Rulo, NE Churches

Village of Ruskin, NE Churches

Village of Saint Helena, NE Churches

Village of Scotia, NE Churches

Village of Seneca, NE Churches

Village of Shelby, NE Churches

Village of Shelton, NE Churches

Village of Shubert, NE Churches

Village of Silver Creek, NE Churches

Village of Smithfield, NE Churches

Village of Snyder, NE Churches

Village of South Bend, NE Churches

Village of Spalding, NE Churches

Village of Spencer, NE Churches

Village of Sprague, NE Churches

Village of Springview, NE Churches

Village of Stamford, NE Churches

Village of Staplehurst, NE Churches

Village of Stapleton, NE Churches

Village of Steele City, NE Churches

Village of Steinauer, NE Churches

Village of Stella, NE Churches

Village of Sterling, NE Churches

Village of Stockham, NE Churches

Village of Stratton, NE Churches

Village of Stuart, NE Churches

Village of Sumner, NE Churches

Village of Surprise, NE Churches

Village of Sutherland, NE Churches

Village of Swanton, NE Churches

Village of Table Rock, NE Churches

Village of Talmage, NE Churches

Village of Tarnov, NE Churches

Village of Taylor, NE Churches

Village of Thayer, NE Churches

Village of Thedford, NE Churches

Village of Tobias, NE Churches

Village of Trenton, NE Churches

Village of Trumbull, NE Churches

Village of Uehling, NE Churches

Village of Ulysses, NE Churches

Village of Unadilla, NE Churches

Village of Utica, NE Churches

Village of Valparaiso, NE Churches

Village of Venango, NE Churches

Village of Verdigre, NE Churches

Village of Verdon, NE Churches

Village of Waco, NE Churches

Village of Wallace, NE Churches

Village of Walthill, NE Churches

Village of Waterbury, NE Churches

Village of Waterloo, NE Churches

Village of Wauneta, NE Churches

Village of Wausa, NE Churches

Village of Wellfleet, NE Churches

Village of Weston, NE Churches

Village of Wilcox, NE Churches

Village of Wilsonville, NE Churches

Village of Winnebago, NE Churches

Village of Winside, NE Churches

Village of Wolbach, NE Churches

Village of Wood Lake, NE Churches

Wahoo, NE Churches

Wakefield, NE Churches

Wakpamni District, NE Churches

Walker, NE Churches

Walnut Grove, NE Churches

Wanda, NE Churches

Washington Election Precinct, NE Churches

Washington, NE Churches

Waterloo Election Precinct, NE Churches

Waverly, NE Churches

Wayne, NE Churches

Weeping Water, NE Churches

West Bayard Election Precinct, NE Churches

West Lincoln, NE Churches

West Newman, NE Churches

West Pleasant Home Election Precinct, NE Churches

West Point, NE Churches

West Winters Creek Election Precinct, NE Churches

Westerville, NE Churches

Westmark, NE Churches

Westside, NE Churches

Whitetail Election Precinct, NE Churches

Whitewater Election Precinct, NE Churches

Wilber, NE Churches

Williamsburg, NE Churches

Willow Creek Election Precinct, NE Churches

Wilson, NE Churches

Wisner, NE Churches

Wood River, NE Churches

Wymore, NE Churches

Wyoming, NE Churches

Yankee Hill Election Precinct, NE Churches

Yankee Hill, NE Churches

York, NE Churches

Yutan, NE Churches

Follow these Instructions to Download all 2977 Nebraska Churches to your GPS

1 Download a GPX file containing all of the churches in Nebraska. Save the GPX file on your desktop.

2 Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.

3Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.

4Click Send to GPS on the GPS menu to send the churches as waypoints (POIs) to your GPS.

Follow these Instructions to View, Customize, and Print Maps of any Church in Nebraska

1 Download a GPX file containing all of the churches in Nebraska. Save the GPX file on your desktop.

2 Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.

3Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.

4Double-click any Church in the ExpertGPS Waypoint List to view a detailed map, which you can customize and print.

Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software

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ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

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$79/yr ExpertGPS Pro
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GPS Map Software for
Windows 11 and Windows 10

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November 18, 2024

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ExpertGPS is Garmin GPS Map Software
ExpertGPS is Magellan GPS Map Software
ExpertGPS is Lowrance GPS Map Software

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