Your ExpertGPS purchase is protected by our %100 satisfaction guarantee! Risk-Free Guarantee! If ExpertGPS doesn't pay for itself in 14 days, we will gladly refund your money, and you can keep the software! That's how confident we are that ExpertGPS will save you time and money immediately.

quoteExpertGPS is probably the best investment I've ever made in software. Every time I think I know it all, I find some other really useful feature that I never knew existed.quote Alex Mottram

Which version of ExpertGPS is right for you?
ExpertGPS Pro
ExpertGPS Home
ExpertGPS Home is licensed for non-commercial, personal use onlythis feature is supported
ExpertGPS Pro is licensed for commercial use in your businessthis feature is supported
Pro allows royalty-free output in maps, books and presentationsthis feature is supported
Your Pro license covers you at work, on your laptop, and at homethis feature is supported
Convert GPS data and import and export to and from CAD drawings (.dxf)this feature is supported
Convert GPS data to and from GIS shapefiles (.shp)this feature is supported
Import ESRI File Geodatabases (.gdb)this feature is supported
Create buffers (wetland zones, road easements, e.g.) around GPS and imported data.this feature is supported
Import and export GeoJSON (.geojson, .json)this feature is supported
Calculate Line of Sight between between radio towers or other points.this feature is supported
Convert to and from US State Plane Coordinates (NAD27 & NAD83), in meters and US Survey Feetthis feature is supported
Lay out survey plots and timber cruises with Grid Builderthis feature is supported
Locate parcels by township, range, and section (US PLSS)this feature is supported
USGS topo maps, aerial photos, and worldwide street mapsthis feature is supportedthis feature is supported
Plot your GPS data over your own scanned mapsthis feature is supportedthis feature is supported
Transfer data to and from multiple GPS receiversthis feature is supportedthis feature is supported
Geotag and map your digital photos, automaticallythis feature is supportedthis feature is supported
View all of your GPS data over Google Earth's color imagerythis feature is supportedthis feature is supported
Import data from Excel, Mapsource, and 37 other formatsthis feature is supportedthis feature is supported
Includes 12 months of ALL program updates and new featuresthis feature is supportedthis feature is supported
12 months of FREE, unlimited tech supportthis feature is supportedthis feature is supported
After 12 months, you can keep using the current version of the software you have at no further cost to you, or you can continue to receive priority support, program upgrades, and access to premium maps and online program features for just$99/yr$39/yr

Upgrade your existing ExpertGPS Home license to ExpertGPS Pro

ExpertGPS features instant activation for your convenience. After placing your order you will receive an unlock code via email within minutes.

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