Map and Download GPS Waypoints for 329 Airports in Nebraska

Click here to download GPS waypoints and POIs for all of the airports in Nebraska in GPX format.

Then, download ExpertGPS mapping software, which will allow you to print maps of any airport in Nebraska, view airports on USGS topo maps and aerial photos, and send the airports as waypoints or POIs directly to your GPS receiver.

Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software

Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 8.93
New features were added to ExpertGPS on November 18, 2024
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

More Nebraska maps and GPS data layers are available here.

Below is a list of all 329 airports in Nebraska, organized by town. Click any airport to preview a map of the airport. Then download all 329 Nebraska airports and your free trial of ExpertGPS map software.

Jump directly to a town beginning with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W

Addison, NE Airports

Albion, NE Airports

Alliance, NE Airports

Antelope Election Precinct, NE Airports

Arapahoe, NE Airports

Arborville, NE Airports

Arizona, NE Airports

Arthur Election Precinct, NE Airports

Ashby Election Precinct, NE Airports

Ashland, NE Airports

Atkinson, NE Airports

Auburn, NE Airports

Aurora, NE Airports

Barada, NE Airports

Barneston, NE Airports

Basin, NE Airports

Bassett, NE Airports

Battle Creek, NE Airports

Beaver City, NE Airports

Beaver Election Precinct, NE Airports

Benkelman Number 1 Election Precinct, NE Airports

Benkelman, NE Airports

Bennington, NE Airports

Blackwood, NE Airports

Bloody, NE Airports

Bluff, NE Airports

Broken Bow, NE Airports

Brule Election Precinct, NE Airports

Bruning, NE Airports

Buffalo, NE Airports

Burwell, NE Airports

Cambridge, NE Airports

Castle Rock Election Precinct, NE Airports

Center, NE Airports

Champion-Lamar Election Precinct, NE Airports

Chappell, NE Airports

Cherry Creek, NE Airports

Clear Creek, NE Airports

Columbus, NE Airports

Cottonwood Election Precinct, NE Airports

Covington Election Precinct, NE Airports

Cozad, NE Airports

Creighton, NE Airports

Crete, NE Airports

Crookston Election Precinct, NE Airports

Cuming, NE Airports

Curtis, NE Airports

Dannebrog, NE Airports

Davenport, NE Airports

David City, NE Airports

Delight, NE Airports

Denton, NE Airports

Dix Election Precinct, NE Airports

Douglas Grove, NE Airports

Douglas, NE Airports

Dunning Election Precinct, NE Airports

East Bloomington, NE Airports

East Winters Creek Election Precinct, NE Airports

Eight Mile Grove Election Precinct, NE Airports

Election District 1, NE Airports

Election District 3, NE Airports

Election Precinct 01, NE Airports

Election Precinct 02, NE Airports

Election Precinct 10, NE Airports

Election Precinct 17, NE Airports

Election Precinct 2, NE Airports

Election Precinct 4, NE Airports

Election Precinct J, NE Airports

Elgin, NE Airports

Everett, NE Airports

Fairbury, NE Airports

Fairfield, NE Airports

Falls City, NE Airports

Farmers Valley, NE Airports

Florence Election Precinct, NE Airports

Fort Calhoun, NE Airports

Four Mile Election Precinct, NE Airports

Four Mile, NE Airports

Franklin, NE Airports

Fremont, NE Airports

Fullerton, NE Airports

Geneva, NE Airports

Genoa, NE Airports

Goose Creek Election Precinct, NE Airports

Gordon, NE Airports

Gothenburg, NE Airports

Grant Election Precinct, NE Airports

Grant, NE Airports

Grattan, NE Airports

Gurley Election Precinct, NE Airports

Haigler Election Precinct, NE Airports

Hammond, NE Airports

Hanover, NE Airports

Hartington, NE Airports

Harvard, NE Airports

Hastings, NE Airports

Hayes, NE Airports

Hebron North Election Precinct, NE Airports

Hebron, NE Airports

Herrick, NE Airports

Holdrege, NE Airports

Hubbell, NE Airports

Humboldt, NE Airports

Imperial East Election Precinct, NE Airports

Jefferson Election Precinct, NE Airports

Kearney, NE Airports

Kennedy Election Precinct, NE Airports

King Election Precinct, NE Airports

Lake, NE Airports

Lancaster Election Precinct, NE Airports

LaPlatte I Election Precinct, NE Airports

Laurel, NE Airports

Lemley Election Precinct, NE Airports

Leroy, NE Airports

Lexington Election Precinct, NE Airports

Lincoln Election Precinct, NE Airports

Lincoln, NE Airports

Linwood, NE Airports

Lisco Election Precinct, NE Airports

Lockridge, NE Airports

Lodgepole Election Precinct, NE Airports

Logan Election Precinct, NE Airports

Logan, NE Airports

Lone Tree, NE Airports

Long Springs Election Precinct, NE Airports

Loup City, NE Airports

Loup, NE Airports

Madison, NE Airports

Martin, NE Airports

Melia, NE Airports

Midland, NE Airports

Milburn, NE Airports

Milford, NE Airports

Mill Election Precinct, NE Airports

Millard Election Precinct, NE Airports

Minden, NE Airports

Mirage Election Precinct, NE Airports

Monroe, NE Airports

Morton, NE Airports

Mother Lake Election Precinct, NE Airports

Nebraska City, NE Airports

Neligh, NE Airports

Nelson, NE Airports

Norden Election Precinct, NE Airports

North Franklin, NE Airports

North Platte, NE Airports

Oak Creek, NE Airports

Omaha, NE Airports

Ord, NE Airports

Orleans, NE Airports

Osgood Election Precinct, NE Airports

Oshkosh, NE Airports

Otoe, NE Airports

Ough Election Precinct, NE Airports

Panama, NE Airports

Papillion Election Precinct, NE Airports

Pawnee, NE Airports

Paxton Election Precinct, NE Airports

Platte Election Precinct, NE Airports

Red Cloud, NE Airports

Redington Election Precinct, NE Airports

Republican City, NE Airports

Richland VIII Election Precinct, NE Airports

Rock Creek, NE Airports

Rosedale Election Precinct, NE Airports

Rural Ogallala Election Precinct, NE Airports

Rushville, NE Airports

Russell Election Precinct, NE Airports

Saint Paul, NE Airports

Salem, NE Airports

Saltillo Election Precinct, NE Airports

Saltillo, NE Airports

Sargent, NE Airports

School Creek, NE Airports

Seward, NE Airports

Sheridan, NE Airports

Sidney 4A Election Precinct, NE Airports

Sidney 4B Election Precinct, NE Airports

South Canada Election Precinct, NE Airports

South Pass Election Precinct, NE Airports

South Pass, NE Airports

South Pine Election Precinct, NE Airports

South Platte, NE Airports

South Russell, NE Airports

South Sheridan Election Precinct, NE Airports

Springfield, NE Airports

Starkey, NE Airports

Stevens Creek, NE Airports

Stillwater, NE Airports

Stoddard, NE Airports

Stromsburg, NE Airports

Superior, NE Airports

Sutherland Election Precinct, NE Airports

Syracuse, NE Airports

Tecumseh, NE Airports

Thedford Election Precinct, NE Airports

Thornburg Election Precinct, NE Airports

Township 1, NE Airports

Township 4, NE Airports

Township 6, NE Airports

Township 7, NE Airports

Township G, NE Airports

Union Election Precinct, NE Airports

Union, NE Airports

Valentine, NE Airports

Valley, NE Airports

Vieregg, NE Airports

Village of Bartlett, NE Airports

Village of Bartley, NE Airports

Village of Beaver Crossing, NE Airports

Village of Bennet, NE Airports

Village of Big Springs, NE Airports

Village of Brainard, NE Airports

Village of Broadwater, NE Airports

Village of Brule, NE Airports

Village of Byron, NE Airports

Village of Callaway, NE Airports

Village of Carleton, NE Airports

Village of Cedar Rapids, NE Airports

Village of Chambers, NE Airports

Village of Davey, NE Airports

Village of Elmwood, NE Airports

Village of Elsie, NE Airports

Village of Ericson, NE Airports

Village of Gandy, NE Airports

Village of Greeley Center, NE Airports

Village of Guide Rock, NE Airports

Village of Hardy, NE Airports

Village of Harrison, NE Airports

Village of Hay Springs, NE Airports

Village of Hemingford, NE Airports

Village of Henry, NE Airports

Village of Hershey, NE Airports

Village of Hyannis, NE Airports

Village of Johnson, NE Airports

Village of Johnstown, NE Airports

Village of Leshara, NE Airports

Village of Liberty, NE Airports

Village of Lynch, NE Airports

Village of Madrid, NE Airports

Village of Merriman, NE Airports

Village of Mullen, NE Airports

Village of Murray, NE Airports

Village of North Loup, NE Airports

Village of Oxford, NE Airports

Village of Palisade, NE Airports

Village of Paxton, NE Airports

Village of Pender, NE Airports

Village of Republican City, NE Airports

Village of Richland, NE Airports

Village of Riverdale, NE Airports

Village of Spalding, NE Airports

Village of Springview, NE Airports

Village of Stapleton, NE Airports

Village of Steinauer, NE Airports

Village of Thedford, NE Airports

Village of Trenton, NE Airports

Village of Utica, NE Airports

Village of Venango, NE Airports

Village of Wallace, NE Airports

Village of Wausa, NE Airports

Village of Wellfleet, NE Airports

Village of Winnetoon, NE Airports

Walker, NE Airports

Warnerville Election Precinct, NE Airports

Waterloo Election Precinct, NE Airports

Wayne, NE Airports

Weeping Water, NE Airports

West Lincoln, NE Airports

West Oak Election Precinct, NE Airports

West Rock Bluff Election Precinct, NE Airports

West Winters Creek Election Precinct, NE Airports

Westside, NE Airports

Whistle Creek Election Precinct, NE Airports

Whitetail Election Precinct, NE Airports

Wilber Election Precinct, NE Airports

Willow Grove, NE Airports

Willow Island, NE Airports

Worden Election Precinct, NE Airports

Follow these Instructions to Download all 329 Nebraska Airports to your GPS

1 Download a GPX file containing all of the airports in Nebraska. Save the GPX file on your desktop.

2 Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.

3Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.

4Click Send to GPS on the GPS menu to send the airports as waypoints (POIs) to your GPS.

Follow these Instructions to View, Customize, and Print Maps of any Airport in Nebraska

1 Download a GPX file containing all of the airports in Nebraska. Save the GPX file on your desktop.

2 Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.

3Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.

4Double-click any Airport in the ExpertGPS Waypoint List to view a detailed map, which you can customize and print.

Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software

Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 8.93
New features were added to ExpertGPS on November 18, 2024
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

$33/yr ExpertGPS Home
$79/yr ExpertGPS Pro
Compare Versions
GPS Map Software for
Windows 11 and Windows 10

New features added on
November 18, 2024

GPS Support

ExpertGPS works with
ExpertGPS is Garmin GPS Map Software
ExpertGPS is Magellan GPS Map Software
ExpertGPS is Lowrance GPS Map Software

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