Map and Download GPS Waypoints for 1362 Schools in North Dakota
Click here to download GPS waypoints and POIs for all of the schools in North Dakota in GPX format.
download ExpertGPS mapping software, which will allow you to print maps of any school in North Dakota, view schools on USGS topo maps and aerial photos, and send the schools as waypoints or POIs directly to your GPS receiver.
Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software
Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 9.12
New features were added to ExpertGPS on March 7, 2025
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.
More North Dakota maps and GPS data layers are available here.
Below is a list of all 1362 schools in North Dakota, organized by town. Click any school to preview a map of the school. Then
download all 1362 North Dakota schools and
your free trial of ExpertGPS map software.
Jump directly to a town beginning with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y
Acme, ND Schools
Acton, ND Schools
Ada, ND Schools
Adrian, ND Schools
Afton, ND Schools
Agnes, ND Schools
Akra, ND Schools
Albert, ND Schools
Albion, ND Schools
Alexander, ND Schools
Aliceton, ND Schools
Alleghany, ND Schools
Allen, ND Schools
Almont, ND Schools
Amity, ND Schools
Amundsville, ND Schools
Anamoose, ND Schools
Andrews, ND Schools
Antelope Creek, ND Schools
Antelope Lake, ND Schools
Antelope, ND Schools
Antler, ND Schools
Arne, ND Schools
Ashland, ND Schools
Ashtabula, ND Schools
Athens, ND Schools
Aurena, ND Schools
Aurora, ND Schools
Avon, ND Schools
Baden, ND Schools
Baer, ND Schools
Bale, ND Schools
Balta, ND Schools
Barnes, ND Schools
Barr Butte, ND Schools
Barton, ND Schools
Bear Creek, ND Schools
Bear Den, ND Schools
Beaver, ND Schools
Beisigl, ND Schools
Belfield, ND Schools
Benedict, ND Schools
Bentinck, ND Schools
Bergen, ND Schools
Berlin, ND Schools
Berwick, ND Schools
Bilodeau, ND Schools
Bingham, ND Schools
Birtsell, ND Schools
Bismarck, ND Schools
Bjornson, ND Schools
Blackwater, ND Schools
Blaine, ND Schools
Bloom, ND Schools
Bloomenfield, ND Schools
Blooming Prairie, ND Schools
Blooming Valley, ND Schools
Blooming, ND Schools
Blue Hill, ND Schools
Border, ND Schools
Bottineau, ND Schools
Bowen, ND Schools
Bremen, ND Schools
Brillian, ND Schools
Brown, ND Schools
Bucephalia, ND Schools
Buchanan, ND Schools
Burg, ND Schools
Burlington, ND Schools
Burt, ND Schools
Butte Valley, ND Schools
Butte, ND Schools
Byersville, ND Schools
Campbell, ND Schools
Captain's Landing, ND Schools
Carrington, ND Schools
Carter, ND Schools
Casselton, ND Schools
Cathay, ND Schools
Cecil, ND Schools
Center, ND Schools
Chain Lakes, ND Schools
Chambers, ND Schools
Chatfield, ND Schools
Cherry Lake, ND Schools
Christine, ND Schools
Clay, ND Schools
Clayton, ND Schools
Clement, ND Schools
Climax, ND Schools
Cogswell, ND Schools
Colfax, ND Schools
Columbia, ND Schools
Connor, ND Schools
Coolin, ND Schools
Cordelia, ND Schools
Corinne, ND Schools
Corwin, ND Schools
Cottonwood Lake, ND Schools
Coulee, ND Schools
Creel, ND Schools
Crow Hill District, ND Schools
Crystal Lake, ND Schools
Crystal Springs, ND Schools
Currie, ND Schools
Cusator, ND Schools
Cut Bank, ND Schools
Dale, ND Schools
Dalen, ND Schools
Dayton, ND Schools
De Groat, ND Schools
Deep River, ND Schools
Deepwater, ND Schools
Deer Lake, ND Schools
Delger, ND Schools
Denbigh, ND Schools
Denhoff, ND Schools
Denmark, ND Schools
Denver, ND Schools
Devils Lake, ND Schools
Dickinson, ND Schools
Divide, ND Schools
Dodds, ND Schools
Douglas, ND Schools
Dovre, ND Schools
Dry Fork, ND Schools
Dry Lake, ND Schools
Duerr, ND Schools
Dundee, ND Schools
Dunseith, ND Schools
Durham, ND Schools
E-Six, ND Schools
East Fork, ND Schools
Eastman, ND Schools
Eaton, ND Schools
Eden Valley, ND Schools
Edgemont, ND Schools
Edmunds, ND Schools
Egg Creek, ND Schools
Eidsvold, ND Schools
Elden, ND Schools
Eldon, ND Schools
Eldred, ND Schools
Elk Creek, ND Schools
Ellendale, ND Schools
Elling, ND Schools
Elma, ND Schools
Elmdale, ND Schools
Elms, ND Schools
Elysian, ND Schools
Emerado, ND Schools
Estabrook, ND Schools
Eureka, ND Schools
Fairbanks, ND Schools
Fairview, ND Schools
Fairville, ND Schools
Fargo, ND Schools
Fay, ND Schools
Flasher, ND Schools
Florence Lake, ND Schools
Forthun, ND Schools
Forward, ND Schools
Fram, ND Schools
Frazier, ND Schools
Frederick, ND Schools
Freedom, ND Schools
Freeman, ND Schools
Freshwater, ND Schools
Fried, ND Schools
Garborg, ND Schools
Garner, ND Schools
Garnet, ND Schools
Gasman, ND Schools
Gate, ND Schools
Gates, ND Schools
Germantown, ND Schools
Gilmore, ND Schools
Gilstrap, ND Schools
Glacier, ND Schools
Gladstone, ND Schools
Glen Ullin, ND Schools
Glenmore, ND Schools
Glenview, ND Schools
Goldfield, ND Schools
Good Luck, ND Schools
Grafton, ND Schools
Grand Forks, ND Schools
Grand Harbor, ND Schools
Grand River, ND Schools
Grandfield, ND Schools
Grandview, ND Schools
Grass Lake, ND Schools
Grassland, ND Schools
Gray, ND Schools
Great Bend, ND Schools
Green, ND Schools
Greenbush, ND Schools
Grenora, ND Schools
Grilley, ND Schools
Grover, ND Schools
Hagel, ND Schools
Hall, ND Schools
Hamburg, ND Schools
Hamerly, ND Schools
Hamlet, ND Schools
Haram, ND Schools
Harding, ND Schools
Harlem, ND Schools
Harmonius, ND Schools
Harvey, ND Schools
Harwood, ND Schools
Haven, ND Schools
Hawkeye, ND Schools
Hawksnest, ND Schools
Hay Creek, ND Schools
Hazel, ND Schools
Hebron, ND Schools
Heimdal, ND Schools
Helena, ND Schools
Hendrickson, ND Schools
Henry, ND Schools
Herberg, ND Schools
Herman, ND Schools
Hidden, ND Schools
Highland, ND Schools
Hillsdale, ND Schools
Hilton, ND Schools
Hobart, ND Schools
Hofflund, ND Schools
Hoffman, ND Schools
Holmes, ND Schools
Homen, ND Schools
Homer, ND Schools
Horseshoe Valley, ND Schools
Ibsen, ND Schools
Ideal, ND Schools
Illinois, ND Schools
Iota Flat, ND Schools
Island Park, ND Schools
Isley, ND Schools
Ivanhoe, ND Schools
Jackson, ND Schools
James River Valley, ND Schools
Jamestown, ND Schools
Jefferson, ND Schools
Jim River Valley, ND Schools
Johnson, ND Schools
Kandiyohi, ND Schools
Karlsruhe, ND Schools
Keller, ND Schools
Kennedy, ND Schools
Kennison, ND Schools
Kent, ND Schools
Kentner, ND Schools
Killdeer, ND Schools
Kirkelie, ND Schools
Kohlmeier, ND Schools
Kottke Valley, ND Schools
Ladd, ND Schools
Lake George, ND Schools
Lake Ibsen, ND Schools
Lake Town, ND Schools
Lake Washington, ND Schools
Lake Williams, ND Schools
Lake, ND Schools
Lakeview, ND Schools
Lallie, ND Schools
LaMars, ND Schools
Langberg, ND Schools
Larson, ND Schools
Layton, ND Schools
Lebanon, ND Schools
Leipzig, ND Schools
Lenton, ND Schools
Leval, ND Schools
Lewis, ND Schools
Liberty Grove, ND Schools
Lignite, ND Schools
Lincoln Dale, ND Schools
Lincoln, ND Schools
Lippert, ND Schools
Little Deep, ND Schools
Lockwood, ND Schools
Lohnes, ND Schools
Long Creek, ND Schools
Lordsburg, ND Schools
Lostwood, ND Schools
Lowland, ND Schools
Lyon, ND Schools
Maddock, ND Schools
Madison, ND Schools
Malcolm, ND Schools
Mandan, ND Schools
Manfred, ND Schools
Margaret, ND Schools
Martin, ND Schools
Maryland, ND Schools
Mayland, ND Schools
Mayville, ND Schools
Maza, ND Schools
McClellan, ND Schools
McClusky, ND Schools
McGinnis, ND Schools
McKinley, ND Schools
McKinney, ND Schools
McKinnon, ND Schools
Medicine Hill, ND Schools
Medora, ND Schools
Mekinock, ND Schools
Melville, ND Schools
Mentor, ND Schools
Menz, ND Schools
Mercer, ND Schools
Merrill, ND Schools
Meyer, ND Schools
Midway, ND Schools
Mikkelson, ND Schools
Minco, ND Schools
Mineral Springs, ND Schools
Minnesota, ND Schools
Minnewaukan, ND Schools
Minot, ND Schools
Mission, ND Schools
Missouri Ridge, ND Schools
Missouri, ND Schools
Mont, ND Schools
Montpelier, ND Schools
Moon Lake, ND Schools
Moord, ND Schools
Moore, ND Schools
Moraine, ND Schools
Morris, ND Schools
Mount Rose, ND Schools
Mouse River, ND Schools
Munster, ND Schools
Muskego, ND Schools
Myran, ND Schools
Nansen, ND Schools
Naughton, ND Schools
Nebo, ND Schools
Nedrose, ND Schools
Ness, ND Schools
New England, ND Schools
New Germantown, ND Schools
New Prairie, ND Schools
New Rockford, ND Schools
Newborg, ND Schools
Newbury, ND Schools
Newman, ND Schools
Newport, ND Schools
Nogosek, ND Schools
Noonan, ND Schools
Nordmore, ND Schools
Normal, ND Schools
Normania, ND Schools
Normanna, ND Schools
North Fork, ND Schools
North Prairie, ND Schools
North Star, ND Schools
Norway Lake, ND Schools
Oak Creek, ND Schools
Oak Valley, ND Schools
Odessa, ND Schools
Odin, ND Schools
Ops, ND Schools
Orthell, ND Schools
Osago, ND Schools
Oshkosh, ND Schools
Ostby, ND Schools
Otis, ND Schools
Ovid, ND Schools
Painted Woods, ND Schools
Paris, ND Schools
Peaceful Valley, ND Schools
Pearl Lake, ND Schools
Pearl, ND Schools
Pelican, ND Schools
Peterson, ND Schools
Pherrin, ND Schools
Pickard, ND Schools
Pickering, ND Schools
Pierce, ND Schools
Pipestem Valley, ND Schools
Plain, ND Schools
Pleasant Hill, ND Schools
Pleasant Prairie, ND Schools
Pleasant, ND Schools
Plumer, ND Schools
Pony Gulch, ND Schools
Poplar Grove, ND Schools
Poplar, ND Schools
Prairie Centre, ND Schools
Pratt, ND Schools
Prescott, ND Schools
Pretty Rock, ND Schools
Prophets, ND Schools
Prosperity, ND Schools
Randolph, ND Schools
Ransom, ND Schools
Ree, ND Schools
Reno Valley, ND Schools
Rich Valley, ND Schools
Richland Center, ND Schools
Richland, ND Schools
Riga, ND Schools
Riverdale, ND Schools
Rock, ND Schools
Rockford, ND Schools
Roland, ND Schools
Rolla, ND Schools
Rolling Prairie, ND Schools
Roosevelt, ND Schools
Rose Hill, ND Schools
Rose, ND Schools
Rosefield, ND Schools
Roseglen, ND Schools
Roseland, ND Schools
Rosenfield, ND Schools
Round Lake, ND Schools
Round Prairie, ND Schools
Round Top, ND Schools
Rugby, ND Schools
Rushville, ND Schools
Rusland, ND Schools
Russell, ND Schools
Rutland, ND Schools
Ryder, ND Schools
Rye, ND Schools
Saint Andrews, ND Schools
Saint Anna, ND Schools
Saint Mary, ND Schools
Saint Marys, ND Schools
Saint Michael District, ND Schools
Saint Paul, ND Schools
Saline, ND Schools
Sand Creek, ND Schools
Saratoga, ND Schools
Sauk Prairie, ND Schools
Sawyer, ND Schools
Scandia, ND Schools
Schafer, ND Schools
Schiller, ND Schools
Schrunk, ND Schools
Scotia, ND Schools
Scoville, ND Schools
Selfridge, ND Schools
Sergius, ND Schools
Sharlow, ND Schools
Sheldon, ND Schools
Shell Valley, ND Schools
Sherman, ND Schools
Sheyenne, ND Schools
Sibley Trail, ND Schools
Sinclair, ND Schools
Sioux Trail, ND Schools
Sioux, ND Schools
Slope, ND Schools
Smoky Butte, ND Schools
Snow, ND Schools
Soo, ND Schools
South Cottonwood, ND Schools
South Fork, ND Schools
South Valley, ND Schools
South Viking, ND Schools
Southwest, ND Schools
Spencer, ND Schools
Spiritwood Lake, ND Schools
Stafford, ND Schools
Stanton, ND Schools
Star, ND Schools
Starbuck, ND Schools
State of North Dakota, ND Schools
Stavanger, ND Schools
Steiber, ND Schools
Steiner, ND Schools
Stevens, ND Schools
Stewart, ND Schools
Strabane, ND Schools
Strassburg, ND Schools
Strege, ND Schools
Summit, ND Schools
Sundre, ND Schools
Sunny Slope, ND Schools
Superior, ND Schools
Surrey, ND Schools
Sydna, ND Schools
Sydney, ND Schools
Sykeston, ND Schools
Tacoma, ND Schools
Talbot, ND Schools
Tanner, ND Schools
Tappen, ND Schools
Tatman, ND Schools
Taylor Butte, ND Schools
Taylor, ND Schools
Telfer, ND Schools
Tiffany, ND Schools
Tioga, ND Schools
Toledo, ND Schools
Tolley, ND Schools
Torgerson, ND Schools
Torning, ND Schools
Towner, ND Schools
Troy, ND Schools
Truman, ND Schools
Turtle Lake, ND Schools
Tuscarora, ND Schools
Twelve Mile, ND Schools
Twin Butte, ND Schools
Twin Tree, ND Schools
Upland, ND Schools
Valhalla, ND Schools
Valley City, ND Schools
Valley Spring, ND Schools
Valley, ND Schools
Van Buren, ND Schools
Van Meter, ND Schools
Vanville, ND Schools
Verner, ND Schools
Vernon, ND Schools
View, ND Schools
Viking, ND Schools
Villard, ND Schools
Vivian, ND Schools
Voltaire, ND Schools
Wadsworth, ND Schools
Wagar, ND Schools
Wahpeton, ND Schools
Waldo, ND Schools
Walle, ND Schools
Walters, ND Schools
Wamduska, ND Schools
Warren, ND Schools
Warwick, ND Schools
Washburn, ND Schools
Waterford, ND Schools
Wayne, ND Schools
Weiser, ND Schools
Wellington, ND Schools
Wells, ND Schools
West Antelope, ND Schools
West Bay, ND Schools
West Norway, ND Schools
West Ontario, ND Schools
Western, ND Schools
Westford, ND Schools
Weston, ND Schools
Wheaton, ND Schools
Whitby, ND Schools
White Ash, ND Schools
White Lake, ND Schools
White Shield Segment, ND Schools
White, ND Schools
Whitestone, ND Schools
Williams, ND Schools
Willis, ND Schools
Williston, ND Schools
Willow City, ND Schools
Willow Creek, ND Schools
Willow, ND Schools
Wilson, ND Schools
Windsor, ND Schools
Winfield, ND Schools
Wise, ND Schools
Wood Lake District, ND Schools
Woodbury, ND Schools
Woodward, ND Schools
Wright, ND Schools
Writing Rock, ND Schools
Wyard, ND Schools
Yorktown, ND Schools
Follow these Instructions to Download all 1362 North Dakota Schools to your GPS
Download a GPX file containing all of the schools in North Dakota. Save the GPX file on your desktop.
Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.
Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.
Click Send to GPS on the GPS menu to send the schools as waypoints (POIs) to your GPS.
Follow these Instructions to View, Customize, and Print Maps of any School in North Dakota
Download a GPX file containing all of the schools in North Dakota. Save the GPX file on your desktop.
Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.
Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.
Double-click any School in the ExpertGPS Waypoint List to view a detailed map, which you can customize and print.
Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software
Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 9.12
New features were added to ExpertGPS on March 7, 2025
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.