Map and Download GPS Waypoints for 914 Lakes in North Dakota
Click here to download GPS waypoints and POIs for all of the lakes in North Dakota in GPX format.
download ExpertGPS mapping software, which will allow you to print maps of any lake in North Dakota, view lakes on USGS topo maps and aerial photos, and send the lakes as waypoints or POIs directly to your GPS receiver.
Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software
Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 9.12
New features were added to ExpertGPS on March 7, 2025
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.
More North Dakota maps and GPS data layers are available here.
Below is a list of all 914 lakes in North Dakota, organized by town. Click any lake to preview a map of the lake. Then
download all 914 North Dakota lakes and
your free trial of ExpertGPS map software.
Jump directly to a town beginning with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y
Addie, ND Lakes
Adler, ND Lakes
Advance, ND Lakes
Afton, ND Lakes
Albertha, ND Lakes
Alexander, ND Lakes
Amundsville, ND Lakes
Anamoose, ND Lakes
Aneta, ND Lakes
Antelope Lake, ND Lakes
Ardoch, ND Lakes
Argonne, ND Lakes
Arne, ND Lakes
Arrow Wood, ND Lakes
Ashland, ND Lakes
Ashley, ND Lakes
Athens, ND Lakes
Baden, ND Lakes
Badger, ND Lakes
Baer, ND Lakes
Baker, ND Lakes
Baldwin, ND Lakes
Balta, ND Lakes
Bartlett, ND Lakes
Barton, ND Lakes
Battleview, ND Lakes
Beaver Creek, ND Lakes
Beaver, ND Lakes
Bergen, ND Lakes
Berlin, ND Lakes
Berwick, ND Lakes
Beulah, ND Lakes
Big Meadow, ND Lakes
Billings, ND Lakes
Binford, ND Lakes
Bismarck, ND Lakes
Blacktail, ND Lakes
Blackwater, ND Lakes
Bloomenfield, ND Lakes
Blooming, ND Lakes
Blue Butte, ND Lakes
Blue Ridge, ND Lakes
Border, ND Lakes
Bordulac, ND Lakes
Bowdon, ND Lakes
Bowman, ND Lakes
Braddock, ND Lakes
Brightwood, ND Lakes
Bucephalia, ND Lakes
Buchanan Valley, ND Lakes
Buckeye, ND Lakes
Bullion, ND Lakes
Bush, ND Lakes
Butte Valley, ND Lakes
Butte, ND Lakes
Cameron, ND Lakes
Campbell, ND Lakes
Canfield, ND Lakes
Cannonball District, ND Lakes
Carpio, ND Lakes
Cash, ND Lakes
Cedar Creek, ND Lakes
Center, ND Lakes
Chain Lakes, ND Lakes
Chambers, ND Lakes
Chase Lake, ND Lakes
Cherry Lake, ND Lakes
Churchs Ferry, ND Lakes
Clara, ND Lakes
Clayton, ND Lakes
Clear Lake, ND Lakes
Clearfield, ND Lakes
Clearwater, ND Lakes
Cleary, ND Lakes
Clermont, ND Lakes
Cleveland, ND Lakes
Climax, ND Lakes
Colville, ND Lakes
Colvin, ND Lakes
Cooperstown, ND Lakes
Cordelia, ND Lakes
Cottonwood, ND Lakes
Creel, ND Lakes
Crystal Springs, ND Lakes
Cuba, ND Lakes
Currie, ND Lakes
Dalen, ND Lakes
Danbury, ND Lakes
Dawson, ND Lakes
Dazey, ND Lakes
Dean, ND Lakes
Deepwater, ND Lakes
Denbigh, ND Lakes
Denhoff, ND Lakes
Des Lacs, ND Lakes
Dexter, ND Lakes
Dickinson, ND Lakes
Dimond, ND Lakes
Dodds, ND Lakes
Douglas, ND Lakes
Drake, ND Lakes
Driscoll, ND Lakes
Dry Lake, ND Lakes
Dublin, ND Lakes
Dunn Center, ND Lakes
Dunseith, ND Lakes
Eckelson, ND Lakes
Economy, ND Lakes
Edgemont, ND Lakes
Egg Creek, ND Lakes
Eldred, ND Lakes
Eldridge, ND Lakes
Elkhorn, ND Lakes
Elling, ND Lakes
Elm, ND Lakes
Elmdale, ND Lakes
Elverum, ND Lakes
Engelter, ND Lakes
Esmond, ND Lakes
Eureka, ND Lakes
Evergreen, ND Lakes
Finley, ND Lakes
Finn, ND Lakes
Florance, ND Lakes
Florence Lake, ND Lakes
Forde, ND Lakes
Fort Totten District, ND Lakes
Forward, ND Lakes
Frazier, ND Lakes
Freeborn, ND Lakes
Freshwater, ND Lakes
Garness, ND Lakes
Garnet, ND Lakes
Gascoyne, ND Lakes
Gasman, ND Lakes
Gerber, ND Lakes
German, ND Lakes
Gilmore, ND Lakes
Golden Lake, ND Lakes
Golva, ND Lakes
Gooseneck, ND Lakes
Graf, ND Lakes
Grand Prairie, ND Lakes
Grand Valley, ND Lakes
Grandfield, ND Lakes
Grant, ND Lakes
Granville, ND Lakes
Grass Lake, ND Lakes
Green, ND Lakes
Grenora, ND Lakes
Gutschmidt, ND Lakes
Hagel, ND Lakes
Hague, ND Lakes
Hanson, ND Lakes
Harding, ND Lakes
Harmonius, ND Lakes
Harriet, ND Lakes
Haven, ND Lakes
Hayland, ND Lakes
Haynes, ND Lakes
Hazel Grove, ND Lakes
Hazel, ND Lakes
Hemen, ND Lakes
Herberg, ND Lakes
Herman, ND Lakes
Hesper, ND Lakes
Hettinger, ND Lakes
Hiddenwood, ND Lakes
Highland, ND Lakes
Hobart, ND Lakes
Hoiland, ND Lakes
Holmes, ND Lakes
Homen, ND Lakes
Horseshoe Valley, ND Lakes
Illinois, ND Lakes
Impark, ND Lakes
Iota Flat, ND Lakes
Irvine, ND Lakes
Jamestown, ND Lakes
Jefferson, ND Lakes
Jim River Valley, ND Lakes
Kandiyohi, ND Lakes
Kane, ND Lakes
Karlsruhe, ND Lakes
Kenel District, ND Lakes
Kenmare, ND Lakes
Kentner, ND Lakes
Kern, ND Lakes
Kickapoo, ND Lakes
Kingston, ND Lakes
Kinloss, ND Lakes
La Moure, ND Lakes
Lake George, ND Lakes
Lake Hester, ND Lakes
Lake Town, ND Lakes
Lake Washington, ND Lakes
Lake Williams, ND Lakes
Lake, ND Lakes
Lakeville, ND Lakes
Lakota, ND Lakes
Lallie, ND Lakes
Langdon, ND Lakes
Leeds, ND Lakes
Lehr, ND Lakes
Leipzig, ND Lakes
Lidgerwood, ND Lakes
Lignite, ND Lakes
Lincoln Dale, ND Lakes
Linton, ND Lakes
Logan, ND Lakes
Lone Tree, ND Lakes
Long Lake, ND Lakes
Longview, ND Lakes
Lordsburg, ND Lakes
Lostwood, ND Lakes
Lucy, ND Lakes
Luey, ND Lakes
Luverne, ND Lakes
Lyon, ND Lakes
Malcolm, ND Lakes
Mandan, ND Lakes
Mansfield, ND Lakes
Marstonmoor, ND Lakes
Martin, ND Lakes
McClusky, ND Lakes
McCulley, ND Lakes
McGinnis, ND Lakes
Meadow, ND Lakes
Medicine Hill, ND Lakes
Melville, ND Lakes
Melvin, ND Lakes
Meyer, ND Lakes
Midway, ND Lakes
Mikkelson, ND Lakes
Milnor, ND Lakes
Minnehaha, ND Lakes
Minnewaukan, ND Lakes
Minnie Lake, ND Lakes
Minto, ND Lakes
Mission, ND Lakes
Missouri, ND Lakes
Moran, ND Lakes
Morris, ND Lakes
Mott, ND Lakes
Mount View, ND Lakes
Mylo, ND Lakes
Napoleon, ND Lakes
New England, ND Lakes
New Germantown, ND Lakes
New Salem, ND Lakes
New Washington, ND Lakes
Newport, ND Lakes
Niagara, ND Lakes
Normal, ND Lakes
Normania, ND Lakes
Northwest, ND Lakes
Norway Lake, ND Lakes
Oakland, ND Lakes
Oberon, ND Lakes
Odessa, ND Lakes
Odin, ND Lakes
Orange, ND Lakes
Orthell, ND Lakes
Otis, ND Lakes
Painted Woods, ND Lakes
Palmer, ND Lakes
Paradise, ND Lakes
Paris, ND Lakes
Park River, ND Lakes
Park, ND Lakes
Peace, ND Lakes
Pearl Lake, ND Lakes
Pelican, ND Lakes
Petersburg, ND Lakes
Pettibone, ND Lakes
Pierce, ND Lakes
Pingree, ND Lakes
Plain, ND Lakes
Pleasant Lake, ND Lakes
Port Emma, ND Lakes
Potter, ND Lakes
Powers Lake, ND Lakes
Powers, ND Lakes
Preston, ND Lakes
Progress, ND Lakes
Quinby, ND Lakes
Randolph, ND Lakes
Rat Lake, ND Lakes
Rawson, ND Lakes
Ray, ND Lakes
Red Lake, ND Lakes
Regent, ND Lakes
Rhame, ND Lakes
Rice Lake, ND Lakes
Richardton, ND Lakes
Richburg, ND Lakes
Richmond, ND Lakes
Riga, ND Lakes
Riggin, ND Lakes
Rock Island, ND Lakes
Rock Lake, ND Lakes
Rogers, ND Lakes
Roland, ND Lakes
Rolette, ND Lakes
Rolla, ND Lakes
Rolling Green, ND Lakes
Roloff, ND Lakes
Roosevelt, ND Lakes
Rose Hill, ND Lakes
Rose, ND Lakes
Rosefield, ND Lakes
Rosendal, ND Lakes
Rosenfield, ND Lakes
Round Lake, ND Lakes
Round Top, ND Lakes
Rubin, ND Lakes
Rugby, ND Lakes
Rugh, ND Lakes
Russell, ND Lakes
Rutland, ND Lakes
Ryan, ND Lakes
Rye, ND Lakes
Saint Anna, ND Lakes
Saint John, ND Lakes
Saint Marys, ND Lakes
Saint Michael District, ND Lakes
Saint Paul, ND Lakes
Saline, ND Lakes
Sanborn, ND Lakes
Sarnia, ND Lakes
Schiller, ND Lakes
Schrunk, ND Lakes
Scranton, ND Lakes
Sentinel Butte, ND Lakes
Severn, ND Lakes
Shelby, ND Lakes
Shell Valley, ND Lakes
Sheyenne, ND Lakes
Sibley, ND Lakes
Sidney, ND Lakes
Silver Lake, ND Lakes
Silvesta, ND Lakes
Sinclair, ND Lakes
Smith, ND Lakes
Smoky Butte, ND Lakes
Snow, ND Lakes
Speedwell, ND Lakes
Spirit Lake Reservation, ND Lakes
Spiritwood Lake, ND Lakes
Spiritwood, ND Lakes
Spring Lake, ND Lakes
Spring Valley, ND Lakes
Springbrook, ND Lakes
Springfield, ND Lakes
State of North Dakota, ND Lakes
Steele, ND Lakes
Sterling, ND Lakes
Stewart, ND Lakes
Stirton, ND Lakes
Stone Creek, ND Lakes
Strandahl, ND Lakes
Strasburg, ND Lakes
Strassburg, ND Lakes
Strege, ND Lakes
Strehlow, ND Lakes
Strong, ND Lakes
Summit, ND Lakes
Superior, ND Lakes
Sykeston, ND Lakes
Tanner, ND Lakes
Taylor, ND Lakes
Telfer, ND Lakes
Tewaukon, ND Lakes
Thorson, ND Lakes
Tiber, ND Lakes
Tioga, ND Lakes
Toledo, ND Lakes
Torgerson, ND Lakes
Trenton, ND Lakes
Truman, ND Lakes
Turtle Lake, ND Lakes
Turtle Mountain Reservation, ND Lakes
Tuttle, ND Lakes
Twin Lake, ND Lakes
Underwood, ND Lakes
Upham, ND Lakes
Upland, ND Lakes
Vale, ND Lakes
Valley Spring, ND Lakes
Valley, ND Lakes
Vang, ND Lakes
Vanville, ND Lakes
Velva, ND Lakes
Verner, ND Lakes
Vernon, ND Lakes
Villard, ND Lakes
Virginia, ND Lakes
Voltaire, ND Lakes
Wadsworth, ND Lakes
Warwick, ND Lakes
Washburn, ND Lakes
Watford City, ND Lakes
Webster, ND Lakes
Weiser, ND Lakes
Westby, ND Lakes
Western, ND Lakes
Westford, ND Lakes
White Lake, ND Lakes
Whitteron, ND Lakes
Wildrose, ND Lakes
Williams, ND Lakes
Willow Lake, ND Lakes
Willow, ND Lakes
Wilton, ND Lakes
Windsor, ND Lakes
Wise, ND Lakes
Wishek, ND Lakes
Wolford, ND Lakes
Wood Lake District, ND Lakes
Wood Lake, ND Lakes
Wood, ND Lakes
Woodlawn, ND Lakes
Yellowstone, ND Lakes
Follow these Instructions to Download all 914 North Dakota Lakes to your GPS
Download a GPX file containing all of the lakes in North Dakota. Save the GPX file on your desktop.
Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.
Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.
Click Send to GPS on the GPS menu to send the lakes as waypoints (POIs) to your GPS.
Follow these Instructions to View, Customize, and Print Maps of any Lake in North Dakota
Download a GPX file containing all of the lakes in North Dakota. Save the GPX file on your desktop.
Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.
Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.
Double-click any Lake in the ExpertGPS Waypoint List to view a detailed map, which you can customize and print.
Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software
Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 9.12
New features were added to ExpertGPS on March 7, 2025
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.