Map and Download GPS Waypoints for 1461 Landmarks in Kansas

Click here to download GPS waypoints and POIs for all of the landmarks in Kansas in GPX format.

Then, download ExpertGPS mapping software, which will allow you to print maps of any landmark in Kansas, view landmarks on USGS topo maps and aerial photos, and send the landmarks as waypoints or POIs directly to your GPS receiver.

Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software

Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 9.10
New features were added to ExpertGPS on February 4, 2025
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

More Kansas maps and GPS data layers are available here.

Below is a list of all 1461 landmarks in Kansas, organized by town. Click any landmark to preview a map of the landmark. Then download all 1461 Kansas landmarks and your free trial of ExpertGPS map software.

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Abilene, KS Landmarks

Adell, KS Landmarks

Admire, KS Landmarks

Adrian, KS Landmarks

Afton, KS Landmarks

Alamota, KS Landmarks

Albano, KS Landmarks

Albert, KS Landmarks

Albion, KS Landmarks

Alexander-Belle Prairie, KS Landmarks

Alexandria, KS Landmarks

Allodium, KS Landmarks

Almena-District 4, KS Landmarks

Alta Vista, KS Landmarks

Altamont, KS Landmarks

Americus, KS Landmarks

Anthony, KS Landmarks

Appanoose, KS Landmarks

Appleton, KS Landmarks

Argonia, KS Landmarks

Arion, KS Landmarks

Arma, KS Landmarks

Asherville, KS Landmarks

Ashland, KS Landmarks

Atchison, KS Landmarks

Athelstane, KS Landmarks

Athens, KS Landmarks

Athol, KS Landmarks

Aubry, KS Landmarks

Auburn, KS Landmarks

Augusta, KS Landmarks

Augustine, KS Landmarks

Aurora, KS Landmarks

Avilla, KS Landmarks

Avon, KS Landmarks

Baker, KS Landmarks

Baldwin City, KS Landmarks

Barclay, KS Landmarks

Barrett, KS Landmarks

Basehor, KS Landmarks

Bassettville, KS Landmarks

Battle Creek, KS Landmarks

Baxter Springs, KS Landmarks

Bazine, KS Landmarks

Beaver, KS Landmarks

Bel Aire, KS Landmarks

Belpre, KS Landmarks

Belvue, KS Landmarks

Benedict, KS Landmarks

Benton, KS Landmarks

Big Bow, KS Landmarks

Big Timber, KS Landmarks

Bigelow, KS Landmarks

Blaine, KS Landmarks

Bloom, KS Landmarks

Bloomfield, KS Landmarks

Bloomington, KS Landmarks

Blue Rapids, KS Landmarks

Blue Valley, KS Landmarks

Blue, KS Landmarks

Bluff City, KS Landmarks

Bluff, KS Landmarks

Bolton, KS Landmarks

Bonner Springs, KS Landmarks

Bow Creek, KS Landmarks

Bowcreek, KS Landmarks

Brownell, KS Landmarks

Browns Creek, KS Landmarks

Buckeye, KS Landmarks

Bucklin, KS Landmarks

Burlingame, KS Landmarks

Burr Oak, KS Landmarks

Bushong, KS Landmarks

Bushton, KS Landmarks

Byers, KS Landmarks

Byron, KS Landmarks

Calhoun, KS Landmarks

Cambridge, KS Landmarks

Caneyville, KS Landmarks

Canton, KS Landmarks

Canville, KS Landmarks

Carlyle, KS Landmarks

Carneiro, KS Landmarks

Castle, KS Landmarks

Catlin, KS Landmarks

Cedar, KS Landmarks

Cedron, KS Landmarks

Center, KS Landmarks

Center-District 1, KS Landmarks

Centerville, KS Landmarks

Chapman, KS Landmarks

Charleston, KS Landmarks

Cheever, KS Landmarks

Chelsea, KS Landmarks

Cherokee, KS Landmarks

Cheyenne, KS Landmarks

Chikaskia, KS Landmarks

Cimarron, KS Landmarks

Clarence, KS Landmarks

Clark, KS Landmarks

Clay Center, KS Landmarks

Clay, KS Landmarks

Clear Creek, KS Landmarks

Clear Fork, KS Landmarks

Cleveland Run, KS Landmarks

Cleveland, KS Landmarks

Clifford, KS Landmarks

Clinton, KS Landmarks

Coats, KS Landmarks

Colby, KS Landmarks

Coldwater, KS Landmarks

Coleman, KS Landmarks

Colfax, KS Landmarks

Collyer, KS Landmarks

Colorado, KS Landmarks

Columbus, KS Landmarks

Colwich, KS Landmarks

Concord, KS Landmarks

Conkling, KS Landmarks

Cook, KS Landmarks

Copeland, KS Landmarks

Courtland, KS Landmarks

Covert, KS Landmarks

Creek, KS Landmarks

Crooked Creek, KS Landmarks

Crystal Plains, KS Landmarks

Crystal, KS Landmarks

Cunningham, KS Landmarks

Custer, KS Landmarks

Damar, KS Landmarks

Dayton, KS Landmarks

De Soto, KS Landmarks

Deer Creek, KS Landmarks

Deerhead, KS Landmarks

Delano, KS Landmarks

Delaware, KS Landmarks

Delhi, KS Landmarks

Delmore, KS Landmarks

Denison, KS Landmarks

Derby, KS Landmarks

Dighton, KS Landmarks

Dodge City, KS Landmarks

Dover, KS Landmarks

Doyle, KS Landmarks

Dragoon, KS Landmarks

Dresden, KS Landmarks

Drum Creek, KS Landmarks

Drywood, KS Landmarks

Duck Creek, KS Landmarks

Dunlap, KS Landmarks

Durham, KS Landmarks

Eagle, KS Landmarks

East Hale, KS Landmarks

East Hess, KS Landmarks

East Hibbard, KS Landmarks

East Saline, KS Landmarks

Eastborough, KS Landmarks

Eden, KS Landmarks

Edna, KS Landmarks

El Dorado, KS Landmarks

Elbing, KS Landmarks

Elgin, KS Landmarks

Elkhart, KS Landmarks

Elkhorn, KS Landmarks

Ellis, KS Landmarks

Elm Creek, KS Landmarks

Elm Grove, KS Landmarks

Elwood, KS Landmarks

Emmett, KS Landmarks

Empire, KS Landmarks

Emporia, KS Landmarks

Englewood, KS Landmarks

Enterprise, KS Landmarks

Erie, KS Landmarks

Esbon, KS Landmarks

Eudora, KS Landmarks

Eureka, KS Landmarks

Everest, KS Landmarks

Exeter, KS Landmarks

Fairfax, KS Landmarks

Fairfield, KS Landmarks

Fairmount, KS Landmarks

Fairplay, KS Landmarks

Fairview, KS Landmarks

Fairway, KS Landmarks

Fall River, KS Landmarks

Falun, KS Landmarks

Fargo, KS Landmarks

Farmington, KS Landmarks

Flora, KS Landmarks

Foote, KS Landmarks

Ford, KS Landmarks

Formoso, KS Landmarks

Fragrant Hill, KS Landmarks

Franklin, KS Landmarks

Frederick, KS Landmarks

Freedom, KS Landmarks

Freeport, KS Landmarks

Fremont, KS Landmarks

Galt, KS Landmarks

Garden City, KS Landmarks

Gardner, KS Landmarks

Garfield, KS Landmarks

Gaylord, KS Landmarks

German, KS Landmarks

Gill, KS Landmarks

Girard, KS Landmarks

Glenwood, KS Landmarks

Goddard, KS Landmarks

Golden Belt, KS Landmarks

Goodland, KS Landmarks

Goshen, KS Landmarks

Gove, KS Landmarks

Graham, KS Landmarks

Grand River, KS Landmarks

Grandview Plaza, KS Landmarks

Granite, KS Landmarks

Grant, KS Landmarks

Grasshopper, KS Landmarks

Great Bend, KS Landmarks

Greeley, KS Landmarks

Greene, KS Landmarks

Greenleaf, KS Landmarks

Greensburg, KS Landmarks

Groveland, KS Landmarks

Guelph, KS Landmarks

Gypsum, KS Landmarks

Hackberry, KS Landmarks

Hallet, KS Landmarks

Hamilton, KS Landmarks

Hampden, KS Landmarks

Hampton-Fairview, KS Landmarks

Hanover, KS Landmarks

Hanston, KS Landmarks

Happy, KS Landmarks

Hardtner, KS Landmarks

Harmon, KS Landmarks

Harmony, KS Landmarks

Harper, KS Landmarks

Harrison, KS Landmarks

Harrison-District 6, KS Landmarks

Harvey, KS Landmarks

Haskell, KS Landmarks

Haven, KS Landmarks

Hayes, KS Landmarks

Hays, KS Landmarks

Haysville, KS Landmarks

High Prairie, KS Landmarks

Highland, KS Landmarks

Highpoint, KS Landmarks

Hill City, KS Landmarks

Hoisington, KS Landmarks

Holmwood, KS Landmarks

Homestead, KS Landmarks

Homewood, KS Landmarks

Hoosier, KS Landmarks

Horace, KS Landmarks

Howard, KS Landmarks

Hudson, KS Landmarks

Hugoton, KS Landmarks

Hutchinson, KS Landmarks

Illinois, KS Landmarks

Independence, KS Landmarks

Independent, KS Landmarks

Indian Creek, KS Landmarks

Indiana, KS Landmarks

Ingalls, KS Landmarks

Iola, KS Landmarks

Isabel, KS Landmarks

Isbel, KS Landmarks

Jackson, KS Landmarks

Jaqua, KS Landmarks

Jefferson, KS Landmarks

Jerome, KS Landmarks

Johnson City, KS Landmarks

Johnson, KS Landmarks

Junction, KS Landmarks

Kansas City, KS Landmarks

Kechi, KS Landmarks

Kendall, KS Landmarks

Key West, KS Landmarks

Keystone, KS Landmarks

Keysville, KS Landmarks

Kickapoo, KS Landmarks

Kingery, KS Landmarks

Kingman, KS Landmarks

Kinsley, KS Landmarks

Kiowa Rural, KS Landmarks

La Crosse, KS Landmarks

Labette, KS Landmarks

Ladore, KS Landmarks

Lafayette, KS Landmarks

Lake Quivira, KS Landmarks

Lake, KS Landmarks

Lancaster, KS Landmarks

Langdon, KS Landmarks

Lansing, KS Landmarks

Lawrence, KS Landmarks

Leavenworth, KS Landmarks

Leawood, KS Landmarks

Lebanon, KS Landmarks

Lees, KS Landmarks

Lenexa, KS Landmarks

Lenora, KS Landmarks

LeRoy, KS Landmarks

Lewis, KS Landmarks

Lexington, KS Landmarks

Liberal, KS Landmarks

Liberty, KS Landmarks

Liebenthal, KS Landmarks

Lincoln, KS Landmarks

Linn Valley, KS Landmarks

Linn, KS Landmarks

Little Blue, KS Landmarks

Little Caney, KS Landmarks

Lockport, KS Landmarks

Loda, KS Landmarks

Logan, KS Landmarks

London, KS Landmarks

Lone Elm, KS Landmarks

Lone Tree, KS Landmarks

Longford, KS Landmarks

Lookout, KS Landmarks

Lorraine, KS Landmarks

Louisburg, KS Landmarks

Lowe, KS Landmarks

Lowell, KS Landmarks

Lucas, KS Landmarks

Luray, KS Landmarks

Lyon, KS Landmarks

Macon, KS Landmarks

Madison, KS Landmarks

Manchester, KS Landmarks

Manhattan, KS Landmarks

Maple Hill, KS Landmarks

Maple, KS Landmarks

Marena, KS Landmarks

Marion, KS Landmarks

Martin, KS Landmarks

Marysville, KS Landmarks

Matfield Green, KS Landmarks

Matfield, KS Landmarks

McAllaster, KS Landmarks

McCracken, KS Landmarks

McDonald, KS Landmarks

McFarland, KS Landmarks

Meade, KS Landmarks

Melvern, KS Landmarks

Menlo, KS Landmarks

Menoken, KS Landmarks

Meridian, KS Landmarks

Merriam, KS Landmarks

Mertilla, KS Landmarks

Miami, KS Landmarks

Middle Creek, KS Landmarks

Milford, KS Landmarks

Mill Creek, KS Landmarks

Millbrook, KS Landmarks

Milton, KS Landmarks

Mineral, KS Landmarks

Minneha, KS Landmarks

Mirage, KS Landmarks

Mission Creek, KS Landmarks

Mission, KS Landmarks

Mitchell, KS Landmarks

Monroe, KS Landmarks

Montana, KS Landmarks

Montezuma, KS Landmarks

Morlan, KS Landmarks

Moscow, KS Landmarks

Mound City, KS Landmarks

Mound Valley, KS Landmarks

Mound, KS Landmarks

Mount Ayr, KS Landmarks

Mount Pleasant, KS Landmarks

Mulberry, KS Landmarks

Murdock, KS Landmarks

Nelson, KS Landmarks

Nemaha, KS Landmarks

Neodesha, KS Landmarks

Neosho Falls, KS Landmarks

Neosho, KS Landmarks

Ness City, KS Landmarks

Nevada, KS Landmarks

New Cambria, KS Landmarks

Newark, KS Landmarks

Newbern, KS Landmarks

Newton, KS Landmarks

Nicodemus, KS Landmarks

Ninnescah, KS Landmarks

Niotaze, KS Landmarks

Nippawalla, KS Landmarks

North Brown, KS Landmarks

North Homestead, KS Landmarks

North Rich, KS Landmarks

North Roscoe, KS Landmarks

North, KS Landmarks

Norton, KS Landmarks

Oak, KS Landmarks

Oakland, KS Landmarks

Oakley, KS Landmarks

Oberlin, KS Landmarks

Odee, KS Landmarks

Odessa, KS Landmarks

Ogden, KS Landmarks

Ohio, KS Landmarks

Olathe, KS Landmarks

Olive, KS Landmarks

Orange, KS Landmarks

Orlando, KS Landmarks

Osage City, KS Landmarks

Osage, KS Landmarks

Osawatomie, KS Landmarks

Oskaloosa, KS Landmarks

Ottawa, KS Landmarks

Otter, KS Landmarks

Overland Park, KS Landmarks

Oxford, KS Landmarks

Ozawkie, KS Landmarks

Painterhood, KS Landmarks

Palacky, KS Landmarks

Palco, KS Landmarks

Paradise, KS Landmarks

Park City, KS Landmarks

Parker, KS Landmarks

Parsons, KS Landmarks

Pawnee, KS Landmarks

Payne, KS Landmarks

Peoria, KS Landmarks

Perry, KS Landmarks

Peters, KS Landmarks

Pike, KS Landmarks

Pioneer, KS Landmarks

Plainville, KS Landmarks

Pleasant Grove, KS Landmarks

Pleasant Valley, KS Landmarks

Pleasant View, KS Landmarks

Pleasant, KS Landmarks

Pleasantdale, KS Landmarks

Pleasanton, KS Landmarks

Plevna, KS Landmarks

Plum, KS Landmarks

Potosi, KS Landmarks

Pottawatomie, KS Landmarks

Powell, KS Landmarks

Powhattan, KS Landmarks

Prairie Dog, KS Landmarks

Prairie View, KS Landmarks

Prairie Village, KS Landmarks

Prairie, KS Landmarks

Pratt, KS Landmarks

Princeton, KS Landmarks

Protection, KS Landmarks

Racewood, KS Landmarks

Red Vermillion, KS Landmarks

Reeder, KS Landmarks

Richfield, KS Landmarks

Richland, KS Landmarks

Ridge, KS Landmarks

Ridgeway, KS Landmarks

Riverside, KS Landmarks

Robinson, KS Landmarks

Rocewood, KS Landmarks

Rochester, KS Landmarks

Rock Creek, KS Landmarks

Roeland Park, KS Landmarks

Rolla, KS Landmarks

Roosevelt, KS Landmarks

Rose Valley, KS Landmarks

Ross, KS Landmarks

Rossville, KS Landmarks

Round Mound, KS Landmarks

Rovohl, KS Landmarks

Royal, KS Landmarks

Rural, KS Landmarks

Rushville, KS Landmarks

Russell Springs, KS Landmarks

Russell, KS Landmarks

Rutland, KS Landmarks

Sabetha, KS Landmarks

Saint Francis, KS Landmarks

Saint George, KS Landmarks

Saint John, KS Landmarks

Saint Paul, KS Landmarks

Salamanca, KS Landmarks

Salina, KS Landmarks

Salt Creek, KS Landmarks

Salt Springs, KS Landmarks

Sand Creek, KS Landmarks

Sappa, KS Landmarks

Sarcoxie, KS Landmarks

Savonburg, KS Landmarks

Scammon, KS Landmarks

Scott City, KS Landmarks

Scott, KS Landmarks

Scranton, KS Landmarks

Sedgwick, KS Landmarks

Severy, KS Landmarks

Seward, KS Landmarks

Sharon Springs, KS Landmarks

Sharon, KS Landmarks

Shawnee, KS Landmarks

Shell Rock, KS Landmarks

Sheridan, KS Landmarks

Sherlock, KS Landmarks

Sherman, KS Landmarks

Shiley, KS Landmarks

Shirley, KS Landmarks

Silver Lake, KS Landmarks

Silverdale, KS Landmarks

Sinclair, KS Landmarks

Soldier, KS Landmarks

Solomon, KS Landmarks

Solomon-District 3, KS Landmarks

South Homestead, KS Landmarks

South Roscoe, KS Landmarks

South Salem, KS Landmarks

Southside, KS Landmarks

Spring Creek, KS Landmarks

Spring Hill, KS Landmarks

Spring Valley, KS Landmarks

Stanton, KS Landmarks

Star, KS Landmarks

State of Kansas, KS Landmarks

Sterling, KS Landmarks

Stranger, KS Landmarks

Sublette, KS Landmarks

Sugar Creek, KS Landmarks

Sullivan, KS Landmarks

Summerfield, KS Landmarks

Summit, KS Landmarks

Sumner, KS Landmarks

Superior, KS Landmarks

Swan, KS Landmarks

Swede Creek, KS Landmarks

Sycamore, KS Landmarks

Syracuse, KS Landmarks

Taloga, KS Landmarks

Tecumseh, KS Landmarks

Terry, KS Landmarks

Thomas, KS Landmarks

Timberhill, KS Landmarks

Timken, KS Landmarks

Tioga, KS Landmarks

Tonganoxie, KS Landmarks

Topeka, KS Landmarks

Toronto, KS Landmarks

Towanda, KS Landmarks

Township 1, KS Landmarks

Township 11, KS Landmarks

Township 12, KS Landmarks

Township 2, KS Landmarks

Township 3, KS Landmarks

Township 4, KS Landmarks

Township 5, KS Landmarks

Township 6, KS Landmarks

Township 7, KS Landmarks

Township 8, KS Landmarks

Township 9, KS Landmarks

Treece, KS Landmarks

Trenton, KS Landmarks

Tribune, KS Landmarks

Trivoli, KS Landmarks

Troy, KS Landmarks

Turkey Creek, KS Landmarks

Turon, KS Landmarks

Udall, KS Landmarks

Ulysses, KS Landmarks

Union Center, KS Landmarks

Union, KS Landmarks

Valley Center, KS Landmarks

Valley, KS Landmarks

Vermillion, KS Landmarks

Vicksburg, KS Landmarks

Voorhees, KS Landmarks

Waco, KS Landmarks

Wakarusa, KS Landmarks

Waldo, KS Landmarks

Wallace, KS Landmarks

Walnut Grove, KS Landmarks

Walnut, KS Landmarks

Walton, KS Landmarks

Wano, KS Landmarks

Washington, KS Landmarks

Waterloo, KS Landmarks

Wayne, KS Landmarks

Webster, KS Landmarks

Wells, KS Landmarks

Wendell, KS Landmarks

Weskan, KS Landmarks

West Center, KS Landmarks

West Cooper, KS Landmarks

West Hibbard, KS Landmarks

West Mineral, KS Landmarks

Westola, KS Landmarks

Westwood Hills, KS Landmarks

Westwood, KS Landmarks

Wheatland, KS Landmarks

White Mound, KS Landmarks

White Rock, KS Landmarks

White, KS Landmarks

Wichita, KS Landmarks

Wilburn, KS Landmarks

Wilcox, KS Landmarks

Wildcat, KS Landmarks

Wildhorse, KS Landmarks

Willard, KS Landmarks

Williamsburg, KS Landmarks

Willis, KS Landmarks

Willow Springs, KS Landmarks

Wilsey, KS Landmarks

Winfield, KS Landmarks

Winterset, KS Landmarks

Wolf River, KS Landmarks

Yates Center, KS Landmarks

Yoder, KS Landmarks

Zeandale, KS Landmarks

Zenda, KS Landmarks

Follow these Instructions to Download all 1461 Kansas Landmarks to your GPS

1 Download a GPX file containing all of the landmarks in Kansas. Save the GPX file on your desktop.

2 Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.

3Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.

4Click Send to GPS on the GPS menu to send the landmarks as waypoints (POIs) to your GPS.

Follow these Instructions to View, Customize, and Print Maps of any Landmark in Kansas

1 Download a GPX file containing all of the landmarks in Kansas. Save the GPX file on your desktop.

2 Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.

3Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.

4Double-click any Landmark in the ExpertGPS Waypoint List to view a detailed map, which you can customize and print.

Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software

Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 9.10
New features were added to ExpertGPS on February 4, 2025
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

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$99/yr ExpertGPS Pro
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GPS Map Software for
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ExpertGPS is Lowrance GPS Map Software

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