Map and Download GPS Waypoints for 449 Airports in Kansas

Click here to download GPS waypoints and POIs for all of the airports in Kansas in GPX format.

Then, download ExpertGPS mapping software, which will allow you to print maps of any airport in Kansas, view airports on USGS topo maps and aerial photos, and send the airports as waypoints or POIs directly to your GPS receiver.

Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software

Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 9.10
New features were added to ExpertGPS on February 4, 2025
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

More Kansas maps and GPS data layers are available here.

Below is a list of all 449 airports in Kansas, organized by town. Click any airport to preview a map of the airport. Then download all 449 Kansas airports and your free trial of ExpertGPS map software.

Jump directly to a town beginning with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W

Abilene, KS Airports

Afton, KS Airports

Alden, KS Airports

Anthony, KS Airports

Argonia, KS Airports

Arlington, KS Airports

Ashland, KS Airports

Athens, KS Airports

Atlanta, KS Airports

Attica, KS Airports

Atwood, KS Airports

Aubry, KS Airports

Augusta, KS Airports

Augustine, KS Airports

Bassett, KS Airports

Beaver, KS Airports

Belle Plaine, KS Airports

Belleville, KS Airports

Beloit, KS Airports

Bennett, KS Airports

Bennington, KS Airports

Benton, KS Airports

Big Creek, KS Airports

Bird City, KS Airports

Bloomfield, KS Airports

Blue Rapids, KS Airports

Blue, KS Airports

Bluff City, KS Airports

Bolton, KS Airports

Bonner Springs, KS Airports

Bow Creek, KS Airports

Brewster, KS Airports

Browns Grove, KS Airports

Bruno, KS Airports

Bucklin, KS Airports

Burdett, KS Airports

Burlington, KS Airports

Caldwell, KS Airports

Caney, KS Airports

Cawker City, KS Airports

Cedar Vale, KS Airports

Cedar, KS Airports

Center, KS Airports

Centerville, KS Airports

Chanute, KS Airports

Cherokee, KS Airports

Cherry, KS Airports

Chikaskia, KS Airports

Cimarron, KS Airports

Clay Center, KS Airports

Clay, KS Airports

Coffeyville, KS Airports

Colby, KS Airports

Coldwater, KS Airports

Conway, KS Airports

Cora, KS Airports

Cottage Hill, KS Airports

Cottonwood Falls, KS Airports

Council Grove, KS Airports

Danville, KS Airports

Deerfield, KS Airports

Delano, KS Airports

Delaware, KS Airports

Derby, KS Airports

Dighton, KS Airports

Dodge City, KS Airports

Dorrance, KS Airports

Dover, KS Airports

Doyle, KS Airports

Duck Creek, KS Airports

Durham, KS Airports

East Hibbard, KS Airports

Eastborough, KS Airports

Edgerton, KS Airports

El Dorado, KS Airports

Elk City, KS Airports

Elk, KS Airports

Elkhart, KS Airports

Ellinwood, KS Airports

Ellis, KS Airports

Ellsworth, KS Airports

Emma, KS Airports

Empire, KS Airports

Emporia, KS Airports

Englewood, KS Airports

Enterprise, KS Airports

Eudora, KS Airports

Eureka, KS Airports

Fairfax, KS Airports

Fairmount, KS Airports

Fairview, KS Airports

Forrester, KS Airports

Fowler, KS Airports

Franklin, KS Airports

Freeport, KS Airports

Frontenac, KS Airports

Gaeland, KS Airports

Garden City, KS Airports

Gardner, KS Airports

Garnett, KS Airports

Gas, KS Airports

Girard, KS Airports

Glencoe, KS Airports

Goddard, KS Airports

Goodland, KS Airports

Gore, KS Airports

Grand River, KS Airports

Grandview Plaza, KS Airports

Grant, KS Airports

Great Bend, KS Airports

Greeley, KS Airports

Greensburg, KS Airports

Halstead, KS Airports

Hampden, KS Airports

Hanover, KS Airports

Harmony, KS Airports

Harper, KS Airports

Harrison, KS Airports

Haven, KS Airports

Haviland, KS Airports

Hayes, KS Airports

Hiawatha, KS Airports

High Prairie, KS Airports

Highland, KS Airports

Hill City, KS Airports

Hillsboro, KS Airports

Hollenberg, KS Airports

Holyrood, KS Airports

Horton, KS Airports

Hoxie, KS Airports

Hugoton, KS Airports

Illinois, KS Airports

Independence, KS Airports

Iola, KS Airports

Isbel, KS Airports

Iuka, KS Airports

Ivanhoe, KS Airports

Janesville, KS Airports

Jerome, KS Airports

Jewell, KS Airports

Johnson City, KS Airports

Junction City, KS Airports

Kanorado, KS Airports

Kansas City, KS Airports

Kendall, KS Airports

Kingman, KS Airports

Kinsley, KS Airports

Kiowa, KS Airports

La Crosse, KS Airports

La Harpe, KS Airports

Lake City, KS Airports

Lakin, KS Airports

Langdon, KS Airports

Lansing, KS Airports

Larned, KS Airports

Larrabee, KS Airports

Leawood, KS Airports

Lenora, KS Airports

Leoti, KS Airports

LeRoy, KS Airports

Lewis, KS Airports

Lexington, KS Airports

Liberal, KS Airports

Liberty, KS Airports

Lincoln Center, KS Airports

Lincoln, KS Airports

Linn, KS Airports

Logan, KS Airports

Lola, KS Airports

Lucas, KS Airports

Lyons, KS Airports

Macksville, KS Airports

Madison, KS Airports

Manhattan, KS Airports

Manter, KS Airports

Maple Hill, KS Airports

Marion, KS Airports

Marmaton, KS Airports

Marysville, KS Airports

McDonald, KS Airports

McLouth, KS Airports

McPherson, KS Airports

Medicine Lodge, KS Airports

Menoken, KS Airports

Mertilla, KS Airports

Middle Creek, KS Airports

Minneapolis, KS Airports

Minneha, KS Airports

Minneola, KS Airports

Mission, KS Airports

Moline, KS Airports

Monmouth, KS Airports

Moscow, KS Airports

Mound City, KS Airports

Moundridge, KS Airports

Mount Pleasant, KS Airports

Mulberry, KS Airports

Neodesha, KS Airports

Neosho, KS Airports

Ness City, KS Airports

New Cambria, KS Airports

Newton, KS Airports

Norton, KS Airports

Norwich, KS Airports

Oakley, KS Airports

Oberlin, KS Airports

Ogden, KS Airports

Ohio, KS Airports

Olsburg, KS Airports

Onaga, KS Airports

Osage City, KS Airports

Osage, KS Airports

Osawatomie, KS Airports

Oskaloosa, KS Airports

Oxford, KS Airports

Palmyra, KS Airports

Paola, KS Airports

Park City, KS Airports

Park, KS Airports

Parkerfield, KS Airports

Paxton, KS Airports

Payne, KS Airports

Penn, KS Airports

Phillipsburg, KS Airports

Pierceville, KS Airports

Plains, KS Airports

Pleasant Valley, KS Airports

Pleasant, KS Airports

Powhattan, KS Airports

Prairie View, KS Airports

Prairie Village, KS Airports

Prairie, KS Airports

Princeton, KS Airports

Protection, KS Airports

Quinter, KS Airports

Rantoul, KS Airports

Raymond, KS Airports

Reeder, KS Airports

Richfield, KS Airports

Richland, KS Airports

Riley, KS Airports

Riverside, KS Airports

Rocewood, KS Airports

Rock Creek, KS Airports

Rockford, KS Airports

Rose Hill, KS Airports

Russell, KS Airports

Sabetha, KS Airports

Saint Francis, KS Airports

Saint John, KS Airports

Saint Marys, KS Airports

Salem, KS Airports

Salina, KS Airports

Salt Creek, KS Airports

Salt Springs, KS Airports

Sand Creek, KS Airports

Sawlog, KS Airports

Scandia, KS Airports

Scott City, KS Airports

Sedan, KS Airports

Seneca, KS Airports

Seventy-Six, KS Airports

Severance, KS Airports

Seward, KS Airports

Shannon, KS Airports

Sharon Springs, KS Airports

Shawnee, KS Airports

Sherman, KS Airports

Sitka, KS Airports

Smith Center, KS Airports

South Hutchinson, KS Airports

Spearville, KS Airports

Spring Hill, KS Airports

Stafford, KS Airports

Stanton, KS Airports

Sterling, KS Airports

Stranger, KS Airports

Sublette, KS Airports

Sugar Creek, KS Airports

Summerfield, KS Airports

Sylvia, KS Airports

Syracuse, KS Airports

Tecumseh, KS Airports

Ten Mile, KS Airports

Terry, KS Airports

Tescott, KS Airports

Tipton, KS Airports

Topeka, KS Airports

Towanda, KS Airports

Township 11, KS Airports

Township 4, KS Airports

Township 6, KS Airports

Treece, KS Airports

Tribune, KS Airports

Trivoli, KS Airports

Troy, KS Airports

Twin Grove, KS Airports

Ulysses, KS Airports

Union Center, KS Airports

Valley Center, KS Airports

Valley, KS Airports

Verdigris, KS Airports

Vernon, KS Airports

Victoria, KS Airports

Waco, KS Airports

WaKeeney, KS Airports

Wakefield, KS Airports

Walton, KS Airports

Wamego, KS Airports

Washington, KS Airports

Waterloo, KS Airports

Wayne, KS Airports

Wheatland, KS Airports

Wichita, KS Airports

Williamsport, KS Airports

Willow Springs, KS Airports

Wilmington, KS Airports

Wilson, KS Airports

Winchester, KS Airports

Windom, KS Airports

Winona, KS Airports

Follow these Instructions to Download all 449 Kansas Airports to your GPS

1 Download a GPX file containing all of the airports in Kansas. Save the GPX file on your desktop.

2 Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.

3Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.

4Click Send to GPS on the GPS menu to send the airports as waypoints (POIs) to your GPS.

Follow these Instructions to View, Customize, and Print Maps of any Airport in Kansas

1 Download a GPX file containing all of the airports in Kansas. Save the GPX file on your desktop.

2 Download and install ExpertGPS mapping software.

3Launch ExpertGPS, click Open on the File menu, and select the GPX file you just saved to your computer's hard drive.

4Double-click any Airport in the ExpertGPS Waypoint List to view a detailed map, which you can customize and print.

Download a Free Trial of ExpertGPS Map Software

Download now and start your free trial of ExpertGPS 9.10
New features were added to ExpertGPS on February 4, 2025
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

$39/yr ExpertGPS Home
$99/yr ExpertGPS Pro
Compare Versions
GPS Map Software for
Windows 11 and Windows 10

New features added on
February 4, 2025

GPS Support

ExpertGPS works with
ExpertGPS is Garmin GPS Map Software
ExpertGPS is Magellan GPS Map Software
ExpertGPS is Lowrance GPS Map Software

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