Making a map of GPS data from MS Excel

Otis C. asks:
quoteI have an MS Excel document with multiple Lat/Long points listed in one column, but individual rows. Would I be able to import this info into your product and have it plot it point by point on a map, which has street level definition?quote

Mapping GPS track data from MS Excel

Here’s a sample of Otis’ data.

41.6299 -94.0207
41.6299 -94.02
41.6148 -94.0173
41.615 -94.0173

Normally, you can just copy and paste from MS Excel to the Track list in ExpertGPS to create a new track from your latitude and longitude data, but this data is a bit different. There’s only one column of data in Otis’ Excel spreadsheet, and the latitude and longitude are in the same column, with just a space between them. ExpertGPS expects to see at least two columns of data, delimited with either a tab or a comma.

There are two options to get this data into ExpertGPS: 1. Insert a comma between the latitude and longitude. 2. Add a “dummy” column to trick ExpertGPS into thinking you’ve got two columns of data. You don’t even need to fill the each row, just adding a bit of filler text in the second column of the first row will do.

After adding the dummy data in column B, simply select columns A and B, copy, and paste into the Track list in ExpertGPS. Match up the data columns in the Import Text Wizard, and you’re done!

Importing GPS track data from MS Excel

Making a map of GPS data from MS Excel