During the pilot of ExpertGPS, the Department of Environmental Quality realized yearly
efficiency gains of an estimated $52,000. The efficiency-gain percentages range from a low of 50% up to 99%, depending on the activity.
Based on the various ways ExpertGPS was utilized during the pilot and assuming full enterprise-wide deployment (200+ seats), it is
estimated the department could realize efficiency gains [of]
approximately $250,000 per year.
Montana DEQ report
How much could your organization save?
ExpertGPS is a desktop mapping solution that combines seamless USGS topo maps and aerial photos with your organization's GIS and CAD data. With an easy learning curve and intuitive mapping interface, ExpertGPS allows everyone in your organization to access maps, GIS, GPS, and location data, for less than the cost of a single ArcView or AutoCAD license. With ExpertGPS, each employee can pull up maps and aerial photos for any location in the US with a single click, without the hassle of paper maps or requesting a custom map from your GIS department. Remote crews can preview sites prior to field work, send site locations to any handheld GPS, make changes in the field, and update your database when they return. Office staff can create their own maps, view properties to approve permits, and overlay data layers from your GIS. ExpertGPS gives you the power to view, edit, and create geospatial data - quickly, accurately, and at a price you can afford.
The true value is in staff efficiency, accuracy and productivity. With ExpertGPS the time
it takes to prepare site maps and diagrams is drastically reduced, while the accuracy of the final product is improved tremendously.
By utilizing the up-to-date orthophotos, the actual facility or structure locations can be more easily identified and labeled.
Besides the increased professionalism of staff-produced documents, the timesavings can be re-invested as technical assistance
and training for the regulated community and direct assistance to the public.
Montana DEQ report
Field crews and office staff reported ExpertGPS increased efficiency 50% to 99% due to:
All data and figures quoted in this case study taken from: ExpertGPS Software Pilot Project, Final Report.
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